Boilermaker Rick wrote:
Something is lost with how these teams are put together though. It's probably the ultimate conclusion to free agency and the power given to the players to take the easy route but it still just comes off as different than in the past. You wanted to see Cleveland and OKC go on the journey of becoming a championship team. You didn't want the star player to just join up with other star players and coast to a title though in the case of the Heat they had two embarrassing failures.
I was a huge Lebron fan as soon as I learned about him in high school. The Heat thing really bothered me because I felt like the story would always be tainted. I was back in when he went back to Cleveland and enjoyed last year immensely. I also was a big Durant fan from college and then the pros. I hated that one even more. I can't even feel happy for him even as he showed just how great he is by playing at an elite level.
I guess it is just the new normal way that the NBA will be. I don't really see how you can be excited for next year as a Bulls fan. You just have to hope the Bulls somehow become the next super team but that likely seems to be the Lakers or Celtics.
A healthy Kawhi will render all this discussion moot next June