Joe Orr Road Rod wrote:
I'm not criticizing Bush or Obama or Trump on foreign policy because I just really don't know enough, but one thing I'm almost certain about is that Iranian hegemony in the Middle East isn't good for anyone.
Of course it isn't.... Iran is one of those countries that doesn't have a world Bank/IMF/red-shield/whatever, so you know it's right there with the other MOST EVIL COUNTRIES ON EARTH like north Korea, Syria, and uhhh there's not too many more left are there? Iraq and Libya were a couple longtime holdouts but we know how they turned out.... TLDR = you can only play 2pac's "me against the world" so many times before your record player breaks.
Obviously I'm oversimplifying this, and furthermore I know I'm out of line leaving the kiddie table to try and get the grown ups' attention (esp when I see that nowadays Curious Hair is literally bringing (((memes))) to the board so I don't even have my niche anymore) ---- HOWEVER
saying Israel IS this or Jews/Muslims/any-denomimation-of-ppl ARE that = an awfully slippery slope that gets you on a path where me and padme just can't follow you anymore, Anakin! Honestly what does the raison d'être of bin laden or Israel or Muslims or anyone have to do with our day to day lives? What does it matter what we think? Would we get spared from dying in a terrorist attack when a gunman takes aim at us because posting THE CORRECT ANSWERS on the C/S/FMB would make another guy grab Muhammad like "NO DONT SHOOT HIM, HE'S ONE OF THE GOOD ONES!!!" ???
I've always said that politics are basically sports for ppl who "care" --- and just like we can argue ad infinitum over what player/s we think are better, we can argue ad infinitum about the middle East.... And at the end of the day our opinions on the middle East are about as meaningful as our opinions on Jordan vs LeBron....
....even tho it's obviously m-jeff, duh. But I trust that all "my people" know that so it should go without saying, just like everyone's middle East thoughts ~5+ pages into the same ol argument that's been had on this board over 9000 times b4 --- (((memes))) amirite?
Curious Hair wrote:
Les Grobstein's huge hog is proof that God has a sense of humor, isn't it?