Zippy-The-Pinhead wrote:
denisdman wrote:
I am ready for it. The government runs everything else so well, let's do it.
I know you believe anything run by the government is inherently bad but "for profit" health care is not your friend. As a pro-capitalism poster I'm sure you understand how they make money and what they are willing to do to achieve their goals. There is a reason every other industrialized nation went away from that model. If you have money and a good job of course you like the status quo. Screw the rest.
On a side note: does anyone think the insurance companies do a good job? Seriously, guys like denis and many others bash "the government" in typically generic fashion but dealing with insurance companies is a nightmare. They don't even remotely fit into the capitalist concept of "competition keep them in line."
Drop the illusion that are healthcare insurers are providing insurance. In every other line of insurance, auto, home, life workers comp, GL, for profit companies work just fine. There are ways to address risky people with take all comer or insurers of last resort models.
Our health insurance market is a dollar trading scheme. Most private employers are self insured with the insurer simply providing claim administration and network access. In fully insured plans, you are just paying high premiums to match low deductible claims. Real insurance would be catastrophic cover where individuals are responsible for most of the day to day losses. I agree with CH early quoted post about people without coverage not going to doctors. It's a huge problem. So is our obsesity crisis, drug use, smoking, and generally sedentary lifestyles.
Where the logic of government taking the profit out logic fails is that the government will be full of waste and fraud. They have no clue how to run an efficient cost conscience operation. And wait until public hospitals look like CPS schools or our public infrastructure. It will be robbed of investment.
How will the government save money? Well cost controls, meaning under paying providers as it does now. That sounds great until you realize doctors will stop spending ten years in school and hundreds of thousands on tuition for a government paid job. The cost of drugs will go down, but so will research needed to find break-through medicines.
Look at the VA system. Is that what you want? What part of our government gives you confidence that they can run 1/6 of our economy.