Curious Hair wrote:
So I decide to listen to the Score today and they're using a new song from MY FAVORITE BAND, the Foo Fighters, as a bumper, telling me that "The Sky Is a Neighborhood" is on their new album I Dunno Some Ponderous Bullshit available in stores today. This upsets me more than anything we usually complain about.
I also heard this portion of the show. B&G were beyond unprofessional and stupid:
George McCaskey is in charge, so he can do PLENTY.
1) Hire a better GM
2) Provide more resources for scouting and drafting
3) Provide more resources for training and conditioning
As the #1 person in charge, George McCaskey should make sure the Bears are THE BEST at each of those things. Seems pretty clear the NE Patriots have that figured out.
This Ends in Antioch wrote:
brick (/brik/) verb
1. block or enclose with a wall of bricks
2. Proper response would be to ask an endless series of follow ups until the person regrets having spoken to you in the first place.