One Post wrote:
Ogie Oglethorpe wrote:
One Post wrote:
Ogie Oglethorpe wrote:
So you know how the gun grabbers love pointing to Australia... perhaps not a country we want to emulate. ... &smtyp=curThey are about to create a database where everyone who gets a driver's license will be added to a facial recognition database. Nothing Orwellian or authoritarian here from our sadly powerless and disarmed Aussies.
So the only way for this democratic society to stop this process is to start shooting other citizens of their country?
I question how Democratic our societies really are. See Catalonia. People hold a vote for self determination and the state violently suppresses it with the nodding approval of the EU. (I will laugh the next time they accuse others of being non-democratic)
Face it, governments have grown too powerful and are increasingly becoming out of control. The 2nd Amendment (used properly) can help ensure the rest of our rights remain intact as we are sadly seeing them eroded away by an ever growing state.
I'd like you to point to some respected authority or some doctrine that determined that governments have grown too powerful and are increasingly out of control. I'm sure you have some authority or reputable consensus of experts to determine that governments are out of control? Some evidence right?
Of course you don't, it's just more of your bullshit that you are peddling around here.
I've posted this before, in this thread, you are the one who first turns to violence as a means to resist something you disagree with. This is your mindset, this is your interpretation of how someone should resist. In your view violence is the first, only, and ultimate way to resist something that a democratic society has deemed viable through the governmental process. It's your only option seemingly. The 2nd Amendment being "THE" firewall against tyranny.
Plenty of great people who have caused far greater or more important changes than you ever could dream of would likely disagree with your violence first stance.
This says something about you, who you are, how you view the world, it's a prism of violence. Maybe you're an angry person, maybe you're insecure, maybe you had a violent upbringing. Sell one of you guns and go talk to a therapist for a while, might do you some good in more ways than one.
Let's see examples of out of control government (this expands through multiple levels of government)
[*]Civil Asset Forfeiture
[*]unending 16 year war
[*]expansion of said war into 7+ different countries
[*]Patriot Act
[*]"enhanced" interrogation
[*]extrajudicial killings of suspects by police officers
[*]Federal control over 50+% of land in over a dozen western states (including 85% of Nevada)
[*]no knock raid warrants
[*]the entire war on drugs
I'm just getting started here. Do you really want me to continue here? It's safe to say that we no longer live in a free society