long time guy wrote:
Seacrest wrote:
long time guy wrote:
Seacrest wrote:
long time guy wrote:
America wrote:
Nobody cares who started it or what the USA has done foreign policy wise. Muslims rape children, Muslims subjugate women, Muslims destroy history they seem heretical, Muslims do not see people if other religions and faiths as even human. These are not byproducts of Islam, these are the core parts of Islam itself. Defending it is disgusting.
So what? We wouldn't give a fuck if we didn't need the damn oil. That Kim bastard does much worse yet we have left him alone for 60 got damn years because we don't need shit from him. Saudi Arabia commits more atrocities against humanity than any country in the Middle East yet we welcome those monarchist bastards whenever they choose to visit the country. We also respect their God damn religion when it serves our interests.
Quit with the bullshit morality play. It rings hollow for this student of American History.
We don't need anyone's oil. That's a false flag. We are the leading producers of oil in the world currently.
Your comments about Saudi Arabia are spot on. I wish Obama would have allowed 9/11 survivors to sue them. But that would have opened up the US to similar lawsuits for things we shouldn't have, or shouldn't be doing.
Forget about the lawsuits. If we are morally opposed to what they are doing then we wouldn't be aligning with them. If we are going to be moralists then be moralists. The morality play is complete and utter bullshit. We do need their oil and our interest in the Middle East ratcheted up the second we discovered that they possessed large swaths of oil. That is a historical fact.
We don't currently need a drop of their oil. And won't need any until well into the next century. If then.
And I don't know the morality play that you are referring to.
Using their oil means that we won't have to use ours. There also are environmental implications if we drill inside the U.S.
How is the moral play unbeknownst to you? America just made it and it is a constant response used by Republicans whenever opposition viewpoints are expressed. They rape they murder. That is the standard play and it is faulty. We do not give a damn about the atrocities that are committed by Muslims. If we were we wouldn't have continued to align ourselves with Saudi Arabia. Political and economic expediency have always superseded any trepidation that may have existed regarding their treatment of citizens.We repeatedly turned a blind's eye. Once we needed a rationale for war we used that as the Trump card. Bullshit.
You can cling to the "we did it for oil" meme, but we have had a series of Presidents that have allowed drilling and fracking without ANY real environmental concerns.
Secondly, Bush certainly didn't use they rape and murder reason for invading Afghanistan or Iraq. Nor was it a great concern to him.
Also, it's obvious that the US has turned a blind eye to all sorts of atrocities in the 100 years. Which by itself, makes any talk of a moral play pretty much moot.
Joe Orr Road Rod wrote:
The victims are the American People and the Republic itself.