long time guy wrote:
long time guy wrote:
America wrote:
Nobody cares who started it or what the USA has done foreign policy wise. Muslims rape children, Muslims subjugate women, Muslims destroy history they seem heretical, Muslims do not see people if other religions and faiths as even human. These are not byproducts of Islam, these are the core parts of Islam itself. Defending it is disgusting.
So what? We wouldn't give a fuck if we didn't need the damn oil. That Kim bastard does much worse yet we have left him alone for 60 got damn years because we don't need shit from him. Saudi Arabia commits more atrocities against humanity than any country in the Middle East yet we welcome those monarchist bastards whenever they choose to visit the country. We also respect their God damn religion when it serves our interests.
Quit with the bullshit morality play. It rings hollow for this student of American History.
For the record this is my original point. I stated that we wouldn't give a fuck if we didn't need Middle Eastern oil. You focused on Saudi Arabia. I didn't. I stated Middle Eastern oil. You are the latest of a number of people that continuously misrepresent what someone says. You stating that we don't need Saudi Arabian oil doesn't make it such either. That wasn't my point either.
I provided a source that contained information on the top 10 countries in terms oil reserves. You ignored it. Not surprising either. In the past 35 years the U.S. has engaged in military operations that involve 5 of them (All Middle Eastern by the way) yet you state that we don't need their oil. You look foolish.
This post is for Seacrest not America.
LTG, my dude, we absolutely DO NOT NEED their oil. Speculators aren't even sure how many billions of barrels of oil are in the west Texas/New Mexico Permean basin oil field. The Bakken is the same up here in ND. Plus we are always ahead of the curve with our fracking/extracting technologies.
We've been trading the #2 spot with Russia the last few years in regards to Oil production.
What we do need is the petro dollar agreement to keep going. If the #1 producer Saudi Arabia stops trading their oil in American dollars our dollar would be fucked.
So in essence, we do not need their oil, but we do need them to keep trading their oil in US dollars.
Nardi wrote:
Weird, I see Dolphin looking in my asshole