IMU wrote:
long time guy wrote:
Don't have to go game by game but do the research (or don't) He was outscored 32 to 0 in a game and we were told that he played well. When he doesn't do shit it's the ball stopping teammates. He hasn't performed well this year overall. If a person had to venture between whether he is a bust or a star he still trends more towards bust. His shooting percentages were at historic lows throughout much of the year yet we were bombarded with a steady stream of how great he played.
A person can tell you anything but the proof is in the posting. I don't think there has been one post informing this guy as to the amount of shit that he is full of with stuff. If there has I have missed it and he definitely hasn't been subjected to the "If you make up shityou are going to be hit over the head for it" treatment. Blow smoke up another person's ass with that one.
There has been disagreement but it hasn't been much and it has tended to be extremely respectful for the most part. I say respectful relative to the level of Bullshit spewed.
You need to review the board history of shakes vs IMU, or shakes vs others. It exists.
I think shakes is wrong in his evaluation of Lonzo Ball. That evidence is located in this thread. But I don't think he is off his rocker. Lonzo could be a slightly better Rubio. That plays in this league. But yes, this season, he simply a league average player. His BPM and VORP (I know you hate these) show as much. When he is on the court, his team outscores the other team by 0.5 points per 100 possessions. Conversely, you weight scoring above all else, so you undervalue Lonzo. Kris Dunn, last season, shot the ball only marginally better than Lonzo this season.
I don't know who told you Lonzo played great in the game he scored 0, I don't remember which game that was. But it wasn't me.
He can be slightly better than Rubio but that isn't "great". We are bombarded with a steady stream of his greatness (and conversely how wrong people are about him) without little to no rebuke. I don't know about the history of other stuff but it is fairly obvious to me at least that he has received a pass for such inane thoughts. 312 is about the only guy that I can remember (besides me) that has really called it for the B.S. that this happens to be. Big Chicagoan has dissented but he has been mostly respectful.
No one knows what he will be in the future. He could be great. He isn't now however and to consistently be reminded of it after each and every game without so much as a retort in most cases says a lot about so called board credibility.
In my opinion everyone should be fair game. If you say stupid stuff you should be hammered. If not hammered then there should be dissent. This isn't practiced however.
The Hawk wrote:
This is going to reach a head pretty soon.