Joe Orr Road Rod wrote:
FavreFan wrote:
Joe Orr Road Rod wrote:
Nas wrote:
Joe Orr Road Rod wrote:
And none of you have the slightest idea what Trump weighs. It's ridiculous. Comparing him to photos of quarterbacks.
I'm about 215 and I'm 4 inches shorter. I've been around 230 before too. It's really odd that you're getting defensive about the president lying about his weight and growing an inch so he can't be considered obese. His weight would be at the bottom of the list of issues I have with him. I imagine that the same is true for most.
I'm not the slightest bit defensive. I just find the entire thing utterly absurd.
You're being very defensive of President Trump in this thread. Not sure how one could see it differently.
Because it isn't true.
Some of you seem to be confused about what I'm saying. See dolphin's post above about the press making fun of Clinton's penchant for McDonald's. I don't care if John Oliver calls Trump an unhealthy fatass. That isn't what this is about.
Nobody ever attempted to use Clinton's diet as a reason he may be unfit for office. Granted, Republicans did attempt to use his sexual adventures to force him out. But most of the press didn't go along with that and rightly so.
Watch how this Stormy Daniels thing plays. The same people who were screaming, "IT'S JUST SEX! MOVE ON!!!!!" twenty-five years ago will say this makes Trump's character too questionable for office. But that's not what I'm talking about here either. That's to be expected. On the flip side of that, the same Republicans who insisted Clinton's fucking made him unfit for the presidency will easily look away when it's Trump. That's simple partisan politics in the traditional McNown-Reardon mold.
No, this #resistance is different in that it is a mighty effort to use ANYTHING from fake Russian collusion to impugning the Electoral College system to the offhand use of the term "shithole" in a private meeting to Diet Coke to suggest that Trump shouldn't have been elected. But he was elected.
And the most offensive thing is the press diagnosing Trump with Alzheimer's or some other mental deficiency because they don't like what he says or how he says it. We had a president who ACTUALLY HAD Alzheimer's and the press/media didn't notice. So you'll have to excuse me if I don't look to Joy Behar or Dan Rather to tell me who is losing their mind.
While I agree that the media has used every angle to discredit Trump, this has more to do with the irony of Trump lying about his height and weight, as the person that has made derogatory comments about other peoples' appearances, than it does about any suggestion that his weight makes him unfit for office. He is also the person who famously called out Obama for having a false birth certificate, when the measurements from his own Presidential medical exam are clearly false. It's hypocrisy at its core.
What's also laughable is Trump's excuse for not liking exercise, in that he believes every person has a finite amount of energy. So he ignores every possible health problem from being overweight, including high BP, diabetes, etc., because he doesn't want to use energy, when he himself says that he is high energy or has energy in excess.