Joe Orr Road Rod wrote:
ZephMarshack wrote:
I didn't participate in that thread at all and was scarcely triggered by your Hillary crack because it's par for the course for your performative impartiality and your obsession with her. You however seem quite triggered when people say your posts that read like defenses of Trump read like defenses of Trump.
That's exactly the opposite of the truth. I've never been obsessed with who is or isn't president. In fact, I'm sure that if Hillary Clinton were now president my life would be zero percent different. Just like the lives of the vast majority of the goofs marching in pussy hats would be zero percent different if Clinton were president.
Bully for you. This response has little or nothing to do with what I wrote. Maybe it's the case that people say it sounds like you're defending Trump not because they're filled with biased and unfair hate towards the guy or obsessed with giving Hillary the throne or systematically misinterpreting you but because it actually sounds like you're defending Trump, despite your protestations to the contrary.
Joe Orr Road Rod wrote:
I'm not going to play fake economist on a message board. There are guys with PhD's in economics who can't agree on what drives the economy. If politicians don't get credit for the economy, then who is president shouldn't matter when it comes to discussing it. Again, the one thing we do know is that Trump is president and black unemployment is at an all-time low. Of course someone who hates Trump is going to find any other reason for that fact.
Again, I'm not the one who brought up the economy at all. That was your response when I asked what Trump has done that justifies giving him a fairer chance than he's been given. Sighing about the complexity of it all rather than offering anything substantive to suggest he should be treated fairer still leaves my initial question in place. I'll accept your implicit concession though that you wrongly assumed I'd be rah-rahing Obama in this scenario.
I'd add that nothing I said entails a conclusion as strong as it doesn't matter who's in office when it comes to the economy. The mere fact that something's complicated does not entail complete agnosticism. But you better have a plausible causal story linking that politician and a given outcome rather than just hastily concluding that whoever's in office at a given point in time deserves all the credit or blame for that outcome.