long time guy wrote:
Typically when people don't like either person they stay home. If their was such apathy for Trump he never would have been elected President. As much as people like Ogie and Jorr want to make him the default choice he really wasn't. THey had a chance to vote for 16 other people and they didn't. In fact he ran away with the primaries too. Were they all hated too? I doubt it.
There was nothing about Trump which spoke of being Presidential. As people go he is rather despicable. His treatment of minorities and small business owners is well documented. Upon being elected he was forced to settle a class action case which involved fraud.
This is what the country wanted and this is what we got. I'm comfortable with it at this juncture and a big part of me believes that he will be reelected. When he is the same apologists will be out in force attempting to pontificate on how his incumbency helped fuel his reelection. If he'd never defeated Hillary in the first place then he wouldn't be in position to be reelected. That will be part of the empty rhetoric.
Nationally 2M more people voted Republican in the 2016 election than in the 2012 election. I don't think that's a huge amount nor do I think racism was the motivating factor. IMO Trump should have been dissmissed? in the primaries if a party can do that. There is nothing Presidential about Trump, but honestly I think that was a draw for some. Had it not been him or someone like him I'd consider voting again for a nonpolitical/nonpresidential/nonpolitician. I don't really know how or what happened but can offer a thought. I do know the media age we live in and I don't pay attention to politics. I could name one other person running in the primaries and nobody is voting for Ted Cruz. His celebrity, and sound bytes put him front and center. Essentially if the Republican party is what you believe it is, isn't every candidate going to have the same platform or same message?
This country didn't really want either or half wanted one and not the other or half just didn't want one of them. I don't think most people that voted for Trump wanted "him" per se. I think that is an understandable but emotional response from you.
He will be reelected if the Democratic party continues down the path it is on. It is actively turning away people that once supported it.