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 Post subject: The Wind Energy Fiasco
PostPosted: Mon May 14, 2018 6:42 am 
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Good common sense article. From good common sense Minnesotan.


Until such time as electricity can be stored at scale, wind energy is a terrible idea. Across the U.S., wind turbines produce electricity approximately 40% of the time. That means they are unreliable. Since we expect the lights to go on 100% of the time, we need enough reliable energy sources–coal, natural gas, nuclear, hydroelectric–to meet peak load. Which means that wind energy is inevitably an expensive sideshow. Why do wind farms exist? Solely because of government subsidies. Warren Buffett, one of the largest wind farm investors, said:

[O]n wind energy, we get a tax credit if we build a lot of wind farms. That’s the only reason to build them. They don’t make sense without the tax credit.

If wind turbines are a bad idea, enormous wind turbines are worse. It is not good news that GE has announced the biggest wind turbine ever. How big is it? A bit shorter than the Eiffel Tower. And it is intended for offshore placement:


These mofos will probably kill ALL offshore sea birds.
No matter, MANY will feel virtuous. Many others will make million$.

"Change has come to Amerika."- TFG

PostPosted: Wed May 23, 2018 11:40 am 
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Troot to Power [$$]


(Expensive, risky and–best case–an eyesore that will slaughter uncountable numbers of sea birds, offshore wind turbines are just about the worst possible way to generate electricity–half the time.)

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"Change has come to Amerika."- TFG

PostPosted: Wed May 23, 2018 11:44 am 
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Nah, long term they make sense. A lot of investment is going into storage technologies, and the U.S. is seeing strong growth in wind and solar. You'd have to be blind to miss the fact that fossil fuels are a limited resource and have negative environmental consequences.

Hawaii (fuck) You

PostPosted: Wed May 23, 2018 11:52 am 
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Bird Deaths Annually (estimated by Avian Conservation and Ecology):

1) Feral Cats - 79 million
2) Domestic Cats - 54.8 million
3) Power Lines - 16.8 million
4) Flying into Houses - 16.3 million
5) Road Vehicles - 9.8 million
6) Hunting - 2.8 million
7) Flying into Other Buildings - 1.3 million
8] Commercial Forestry - 0.8 million
9) Power Electrocutions - 0.2 million
10) Agriculture (mowing/haying) - 0.1 million
11) Communication Towers - 0.1 million
12) Wind Energy - 0.01 million
13) All Others - 3.4 million

Total - 186 million

"All crowds boycotting football games shouldn't care who sings or takes a knee because they aren't watching." - Nas

PostPosted: Wed May 23, 2018 11:52 am 
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Do not reply to this fucking mult. Hopefully he gets banned again or dies ASAP.

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There will never be an effective vaccine. I'll never get one anyway.

PostPosted: Wed May 23, 2018 12:09 pm 
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If we really cared about greenhouse gases and affordable energy, we would be moving full speed ahead on nuclear power.

Perhaps one day wind and solar will be the answer, but that day is not today.

“When I walked in this morning, and saw the flag was at half mast, I thought 'alright another bureaucrat ate it.'" - Ron Swanson

PostPosted: Wed May 23, 2018 12:18 pm 
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newper wrote:
Bird Deaths Annually (estimated by Avian Conservation and Ecology):

1) Feral Cats - 79 million
2) Domestic Cats - 54.8 million
3) Power Lines - 16.8 million
4) Flying into Houses - 16.3 million
5) Road Vehicles - 9.8 million
6) Hunting - 2.8 million
7) Flying into Other Buildings - 1.3 million
8] Commercial Forestry - 0.8 million
9) Power Electrocutions - 0.2 million
10) Agriculture (mowing/haying) - 0.1 million
11) Communication Towers - 0.1 million
12) Wind Energy - 0.01 million
13) All Others - 3.4 million

Total - 186 million

It's more than that without a doubt, but the number of birds killed may have actually gone down if the use of fossil fuels was reduced. Cats, buildings, and sprawl are the real killers.

PostPosted: Wed May 23, 2018 12:51 pm 
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newper wrote:
Bird Deaths Annually (estimated by Avian Conservation and Ecology):

1) Feral Cats - 79 million
2) Domestic Cats - 54.8 million
3) Power Lines - 16.8 million
4) Flying into Houses - 16.3 million
5) Road Vehicles - 9.8 million
6) Hunting - 2.8 million
7) Flying into Other Buildings - 1.3 million
8] Commercial Forestry - 0.8 million
9) Power Electrocutions - 0.2 million
10) Agriculture (mowing/haying) - 0.1 million
11) Communication Towers - 0.1 million
12) Wind Energy - 0.01 million
13) All Others - 3.4 million

Total - 186 million

How do you calculate such things? Is there a Dwight Shrute running around with a clipboard making tally marks?

"He is a loathsome, offensive brute
--yet I can't look away."

Frank Coztansa wrote:
I have MANY years of experience in trying to appreciate steaming piles of dogshit.

PostPosted: Wed May 23, 2018 12:55 pm 
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RFDC wrote:
newper wrote:
Bird Deaths Annually (estimated by Avian Conservation and Ecology):

1) Feral Cats - 79 million
2) Domestic Cats - 54.8 million
3) Power Lines - 16.8 million
4) Flying into Houses - 16.3 million
5) Road Vehicles - 9.8 million
6) Hunting - 2.8 million
7) Flying into Other Buildings - 1.3 million
8] Commercial Forestry - 0.8 million
9) Power Electrocutions - 0.2 million
10) Agriculture (mowing/haying) - 0.1 million
11) Communication Towers - 0.1 million
12) Wind Energy - 0.01 million
13) All Others - 3.4 million

Total - 186 million

How do you calculate such things? Is there a Dwight Shrute running around with a clipboard making tally marks?

This is chas's work-release job. It allows him to kill two birds with one stone, so to speak.

Antonio Gramsci wrote:
The crisis consists precisely in the fact that the old is dying and the new cannot be born; in this interregnum a great variety of morbid symptoms appear.

PostPosted: Wed May 23, 2018 1:26 pm 
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As explained, wind energy machines are a disaster. An all-rounder.

A few days ago I went by a miles long wide area in NM that had hundreds of these turbines sitting there doing nothing. I saw not one turbine spinning.
It's nowhere so it's ugliness is also ignored.

"it's an all-rounder"-Gary Ablett

frank is a maricon

"Change has come to Amerika."- TFG

PostPosted: Wed May 23, 2018 3:44 pm 
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newper wrote:
Bird Deaths Annually (estimated by Avian Conservation and Ecology):

1) Feral Cats - 79 million
2) Domestic Cats - 54.8 million
3) Power Lines - 16.8 million
4) Flying into Houses - 16.3 million
5) Road Vehicles - 9.8 million
6) Hunting - 2.8 million
7) Flying into Other Buildings - 1.3 million
8] Commercial Forestry - 0.8 million
9) Power Electrocutions - 0.2 million
10) Agriculture (mowing/haying) - 0.1 million
11) Communication Towers - 0.1 million
12) Wind Energy - 0.01 million
13) All Others - 3.4 million

Total - 186 million

That's precisely why we need to build more turbines, so we can kill more birds!!

Molly Lambert wrote:
The future holds the possibility to be great or terrible, and since it has not yet occurred it remains simultaneously both.

PostPosted: Wed May 23, 2018 5:23 pm 
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pizza_Place: Oh I'm sorry but, there's no one on the line
Curious Hair wrote:
That's precisely why we need to build more turbines, so we can kill more birds!!

At the very least, we should kill more with them than we do with lawnmowers.

"All crowds boycotting football games shouldn't care who sings or takes a knee because they aren't watching." - Nas

PostPosted: Wed May 23, 2018 5:27 pm 
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Always disturbing to see the dead ducks after first cutting hay. Not every year but still pretty disturbing. Hens just refuse to fly, not sure what you can do about it. I imagine the redwing blackbird chick mortality rate is incredible in hay fields. Mowing hay and road sides is brutal as is wheat harvest.

PostPosted: Wed May 23, 2018 5:28 pm 
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HAY HAY !!!!!

PostPosted: Sun May 27, 2018 10:58 am 
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Very Important Decision here against crooked eviro layers and pals.

An Oil Company Just Earned A Huge Settlement After Environmentalists Brought False Charges ... n-ecuador/


"Change has come to Amerika."- TFG

PostPosted: Sun May 27, 2018 1:17 pm 
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newper wrote:
Bird Deaths Annually (estimated by Avian Conservation and Ecology):

1) Feral Cats - 79 million
2) Domestic Cats - 54.8 million
3) Power Lines - 16.8 million
4) Flying into Houses - 16.3 million
5) Road Vehicles - 9.8 million
6) Hunting - 2.8 million
7) Flying into Other Buildings - 1.3 million
8] Commercial Forestry - 0.8 million
9) Power Electrocutions - 0.2 million
10) Agriculture (mowing/haying) - 0.1 million
11) Communication Towers - 0.1 million
12) Wind Energy - 0.01 million
13) All Others - 3.4 million

Total - 186 million

We need to start killing cats

The Original Kid Cairo wrote:
Laurence Holmes is a fucking weirdo, a nerd in denial, and a wannabe. Not a very good radio host either.

PostPosted: Sun May 27, 2018 1:18 pm 
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Drunk Squirrel wrote:
Always disturbing to see the dead ducks after first cutting hay. Not every year but still pretty disturbing. Hens just refuse to fly, not sure what you can do about it. I imagine the redwing blackbird chick mortality rate is incredible in hay fields. Mowing hay and road sides is brutal as is wheat harvest.

The harvester kills ducks?

The Original Kid Cairo wrote:
Laurence Holmes is a fucking weirdo, a nerd in denial, and a wannabe. Not a very good radio host either.

PostPosted: Sun May 27, 2018 1:31 pm 
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312player wrote:
newper wrote:
Bird Deaths Annually (estimated by Avian Conservation and Ecology):

1) Feral Cats - 79 million
2) Domestic Cats - 54.8 million
3) Power Lines - 16.8 million
4) Flying into Houses - 16.3 million
5) Road Vehicles - 9.8 million
6) Hunting - 2.8 million
7) Flying into Other Buildings - 1.3 million
8] Commercial Forestry - 0.8 million
9) Power Electrocutions - 0.2 million
10) Agriculture (mowing/haying) - 0.1 million
11) Communication Towers - 0.1 million
12) Wind Energy - 0.01 million
13) All Others - 3.4 million

Total - 186 million

We need to start killing cats

Just for this, I'm going to get a big bag of cat food to support more flying rat killers. :P

There are only two examples of infinity: The universe and human stupidity and I'm not sure about the universe.

PostPosted: Sun May 27, 2018 1:50 pm 
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312player wrote:
Drunk Squirrel wrote:
Always disturbing to see the dead ducks after first cutting hay. Not every year but still pretty disturbing. Hens just refuse to fly, not sure what you can do about it. I imagine the redwing blackbird chick mortality rate is incredible in hay fields. Mowing hay and road sides is brutal as is wheat harvest.

The harvester kills ducks?

Nesting hens will hunker down instead of fly. Same as a fawn will do. The hens instinct is to sit on nest and not draw attention. Can work for predators, not so much for a mower deck or combines (although that is more a mammal problem than avian. It’s why we personally try to keep some ground untouched by machines or cattle. Has upped bird and rabbit population a lot.

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