Spaulding wrote:
Anybody done one in their 40s? I have a job, it's fine, but I'd like to earn more and while I am enjoying my job, it's a bit menial. I think I'd like to do a little more and something that I enjoy. I'm looking at some community college classes and possibilities. McHenry and Elgin have degrees I'd consider (I don't think Dupage does but will check) but I don't want to pay out of district tuition.
I'd like to try something new in areas that I enjoy but have never explored. I'm not sure how to go about it and any advice would be appreciated.
1.I think you're going thru somewhat of a career mid life crisis. You're in your 40s where you're still young enough to do something else and have that option.
2.Does your menial job pay the bills, put food on the table for your kids (if you have kids), puts a roof over your head? If yes, then once you leave that, there's no coming back. Sure you're job may be menial but you have to seriously consider you may struggle financially starting over in a new career. You have to be prepared to take a big financial hit.
3.Taking classes is fine. Especially if you're current employer will pay for tuition. If you do like another career you like, I'd suggest moonlighting or doing it part time if possible. At least that way you can get your foot in the door and put it on your resume and then build from there.
4.Check for startup's in your area and in your new career. They're probably the best option to take a chance on you. My son in SF did that where his college degree is completely different than what he is doing now. It's some kind of project management IT related work. The way he got it was apply to one of these startups as they were the only ones willing to give him a chance vs say a more established fortune 500 type company. But he's in his 20s and no dependents so its a bit of a different story where he can take a risk like that while you may not if you have a family.
5.Pursue these goals QUIETLY! Others, especially at work, will get JEALOUS. And if management finds out, they'll think you're going to quit and your cushy job is no more. Pursue your passions but maybe other than your family, don't tell anyone.
6.Hobby vs Career change - make sure this is not a hobby type thing. If it is, then forget about quitting your regular work. Make sure it's a career change and not just picking up another hobby.
Summary - at your age it's normal to sort of dream about doing something else. But if you're going to pursue that dream, you got to get all the boxes checked before taking the plunge. My advice : don't quit your day job but at the same time, if you really want to do something else, do it cautiously and make a 5 year plan. And all the stuff I typed above.
Hope this helps.