denisdman wrote:
Nas wrote:
My Electro Dragons are almost always 3 stars. It's made war attacks too easy in some ways.
We have one guy who loves electro spam attacks. Those drags drive me nuts because they attack too slow. I use an all loons strategy that is a surefire two star but tough to get three against full TH12's. The other guys are all bowler/witch, and they are decent at three starring.
Mind telling me your come for electro and any key strategy points? TIA
7 Electro Dragons
14 balloons
1 clone
4 rage
2 freeze
Wall wrecker with balloons
I drop a dragon on the corners of whatever area I am attacking from. I try to drop the WW on a path to take out 1 air defense if possible. Then I drop the balloons across the area I am attacking from. Drop the other 5 dragons behind them. Then I drop the heroes. I use the clone for the balloons in the WW and I use the freeze for an air sweeper or IT. Drop rage in the path of all troops. It clears the bases quickly. Guaranteed 3 stars on any TH11 even if you have a bad attack. It will 3 star even max TH12's if you attack from the right location. You get a feel for what the right attack point is after a while.
Any more CoC talk and i'll join you.