mcbrides wrote:
May have said this before, but everything on this Bored is way to racey. Need to start putting down the Ban Hammeror let it go. But god dammit Every f'n thread turn into this shit, and it sucks!
This is a misnomer. It didn't "turn" anywhere. It starts here. The premise behind what certain people invariably post is centered on this sort of thing.
If you are going to advocate for them to post here (speaking in general) then get used to these sort of conversations being commonplace. Its as simple as that.
It seems like MANY on here want it both ways. They claim that they want them to post then bitch about the content of what they post. Guys like America, Toxic, and a few others don't particularly bother me because I've never been naive enough to think that don't exist. I also have never been naive enough to think that ignoring them will simply "make them go away".
They aren't the only ones that exhibit prejudice on here however. There are other prejudices which are just as strong on here. You have a strong strain of Anti Islamic prejudice which goes largely unchecked. You have one dude in particular that openly advocates for the murder of cops and dual murder of Palestinians. He is mostly given a pass particularly on the Palestinian front. Either they are terrorist or terrorist sympathizers. You cannot be critical of a political entity (Israeli State) without being deemed an Anti Semite on here even though there are numerous Israeli citizens that are also critical of said State. That is not to mention the rampant misogyny that exists on here. There are guys that seem as if they really do hate women. You also have A strong Anti-Semitic element which runs rampant that is independent of what those two openly profess.
Then there is the group that complains infinitely more about racism complaints than they do about the racism itself. This group's purpose when it comes to this stuff will always be to "shoot the messenger" as opposed to actually addressing the racism itself. They hide behind arbitrary interpretations of "first amendnent rights" and other constitutional bullshit as opposed to simply admitting that they are quite simply more comfortable and tolerant hearing people spout racist shit than they are with hearing people complain about it.
The Hawk wrote:
This is going to reach a head pretty soon.