The Hawk wrote:
GoldenJet wrote:
The high homerun/strikeout strategy is similar to the NBA eliminating the post game and letting everyone shoot 3s.
Very good point. The NBA game has become unwatchable to me. It really isn't basketball anymore. If I want to see a well coached and played basketball game, I go and watch good high school teams play.
This morning on M&H they were debating whether the NFL should revise the replay rules (to prevent another Saints situation) and Haugh said it would make the last two minutes of the game unbearable with all the delays due to reviews/challenges. Dustin then said the extra time didn't matter because fans of the NBA don't mind that the last two minutes are the same way with fouls, free throws, and timeouts. To me, that's not really an argument in favor of moving in that direction.
To IkeSouth, bigfan wrote:
Are you stoned or pissed off, or both, when you create these postings?