Dignified Rube wrote:
To my Jewish friends here, I know some of your brethren are awaiting the arrival of the Moshiach. There is good reason to believe this is happening, because the sun has been unsheathed, where now all are exposed to the righteous light from the Sun of Righteousness, as foretold in Malachi Ch. 4, the light of the Shekhinah. What this means is the Last Judgment is underway, with HaShem separating the wheat from the tares. The wheat, of course, are the righteous souls that possess the seal of Hashem, which is the Holy Spirit, while the tares are the unbelievers and the wicked. Specifically, the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Wisdom, otherwise called Sophia, which Solomon speaks about in Proverbs as being more precious than rubies, that nothing one desires compares with her. Jacob first received this blessing in Genesis after wrestling with the Angel, and then it became part of the Jewish heritage, whose secrets nowadays has been lost. This was the same Wisdom that Jesus preached to Nicodemus, when he said that one must be born again in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Being born of the Spirit means receiving the Spirit of Wisdom, which cannot be forced, no matter how well one follows the Torah. Why I am mentioning this is because it is the Spirit of Wisdom that allows one to withstand the Sun of Righteousness and receive eternal salvation. Without it, people will die under the white sun that is now overhead like fish out of water, as stated in the Gemara. The Moshiach has the Spirit of Wisdom, and for that reason, is Israel's redeemer, because he can teach the Jews how to regain it, which they need now. Even your Prime Minister, Netanyahu, looks very pale now with consumed features, because he lacks the spirit. While it is a lengthy topic, the keys for receiving the Spirit is righteousness, composed of holiness and the virtues, calling upon the name of the Lord in Hebrew (which you know how to do better than any people), and finding Hashem's secret place, as in Psalm 91. Hashem's secret place is in Chokhmah. If you find Chokhmah, you can perceive the Ain Soph Aur, the original light in Genesis behind the curtain of matter. When you do receive the Spirit, you will see raining light in all directions, accompanied by a blessing of great bliss. Without having this experience, you don't have the Spirit. Many people, especially Catholics, have been led to believe that they have the Spirit, when they do not.
Rabbi Lazer Brodi has said that there are three things that come in surprise when you least expect it. One is Moshiach. Two is metzia, a thing that you find. And three is a Scorpio. He didn't know what the metzia would be, but it is the Holy Spirit that rests in Moschiach. The Scorpion is the character of Moschiach, he is a Scorpio by nature. You Jews don't have to wait long for Moschiach, because the evidence indicates he is already in the world. It was he that unsheathed the sun, causing the Sun of Righteousness to appear. He doesn't draw attention to himself, because he is so humble, like Moses. Didn't Moses say that someone like he would come?
Because I don't plan to write much more on this board, I encourage you all to seek the Spirit in earnest. And maybe you will find the metzia that will allow you to live in the world to come. Take care, my friends.
Like I said before, you're a worthless pile of dog shit.