so here we are listening to the Cubs on radio, and we gotta be constantly subjected to commercials and slogans about Sloan.
Sloan toilets and urinals that is. I'm not dumb, I've been to Wrigley, and Sloan is the brand name of their fuckin TOILETS.
So why on the radio do they pimp Sloan as "water solutions"??
Stop making it sound pleasant. These arent soultions and it's not about clean water. It's about fuckin toilets. Why not say "bathroom equipment"? Or "your one-stop shop for toilets"? or some shit like that?
I mean, somebody could not be familiar with Sloan, they hear that commercial and they think, gee, they sell fuckin faucets. Or they sell bottled water. And instead what it is, are fuckin toilets! Bottom line, toilets were never a thing meant to be commercialized. Never have I ever heard a commercial about toilets in my life before. It's just one of those things u need and go out and buy, but u dont talk about it. It's disgusting shit.
Pisses me off everytime I hear "water solutions". I have an irrational hatred for this. Makes me seriously wanna trash Len and JD's booth.
Fuck Sloan.
rogers park bryan wrote:
Bully Hendry would have signed Harper for 2.5 Billion over 30 years