Boilermaker Rick wrote:
They don't really go to class anyways. It doesn't matter much. In order for a one and done player to stay eligible, he must pass 2 out of 5 classes with a D or better. He does not have to attend classes in the second semester more that what is required to not be dropped from the class. That may include attending a total of one days classes. This will hurt the teams APR number, which tracks academic progress, and can cause a loss of scholarships.
Quite frankly, the biggest benefit of going to college for that year is that you are exposed to the American public and get a bigger endorsement deal coming out of college. The classes mean nothing.
I don't think this will be a trend.
I dont think itll become a trend either. Very rarely are top prospects turned down for academic reasons. Also the money isnt that great in Europe and like you said, they are in the spotlight much more in American colleges. I doubt Rose would be the number 1 overall pick if he has played last season in Europe.