Boilermaker Rick wrote:
The Hawk wrote:
Nas wrote:
The Hawk wrote:
RFDC wrote:
Nas wrote:
She is following the guidance of the Trump administration and everyone is beating her up. It's sad. Same with Pritzker.
People are beating her and Tubby up because they are acting like stupid dictators who are more interested in their own power than they are their state.
The worst thing about her is that she is STUPID. Like that partial shutdown of outlet stores. Sectioning off certain items just because SHE THINKS that they aren't important for people to buy like garden SEEDs and lawn stuff. Who made her the Queen of Michigan?
If you like your seeds, you can get them from anywhere except a big box store.
Why do you hate the guidance of the Trump administration?
Stupidity of implementing this is all on the governors. Having the cops arresting people trying to go to their 2nd homes via their own car to sit the virus out is pathetic implementation. Making a person go to one store to buy seeds and another store to buy groceries and another store to buy oil or garden tools seems like making a person expose themselves more not less for a virus.
Why would you not buy garden tools from the same store you buy the seeds?
It's about limiting large crowds.
She is just stupid. I go to the Lowe's store out here a lot. I went there a couple of days ago and it was what for them would be a typical day before all of this virus scare erupted. There were probably a least a hundred people in the store. They had every aisle populated with people looking for stuff. The workers all had masks on an everyone was social distancing. Items like paint, grass seed, hardware, cleaning products, etc, were all available to be purchased, including items that the wicked witch, Greatchin, deemed non essential. Grocery carts were sprayed after they were used.
At checkout, there were spots on the floor identified for the people who were checking out to stand and social distance there. The clerk had a plexiglass screen in front of her and had gloves on for the cash exchange if required.
So, what is wrong with that set-up? A large store set up logically to deal with this virus scare. Seems like something that Greatchin in Michigan could have allowed for her citizens and not go through this bullshit like she did.