Regular Reader wrote:
One of the proudest days I had as a coach was when I overheard a group of 10-12 year old kids arguing over who was going to go to the better college. And no mention of pro baseball.
And my Facebook feed has been filled with stories and pride over almost all of their college graduations in the last three years.
This is some serious
teach a kid to fish-type stuff, but the foundational nature of it would almost surely blossom into something great on down the road.
I think it is obvious looking at Jordan's story that he leaned heavily on his dad, and would have achieved absolutely nothing without that type of trusted guidance. Having a person invest in your future by the simple exchange of ideas (which encourages accomplishment and weaponizes one against obstacles) is a lot more fruitful than subsidizing them financially (which encourages satiety and addiction to and over-reliance upon the status quo).
Subsidize the brain.