This just finished running on one of my favorite cable channels -- Lifetime Movie Network. The story revolves around a successful high school sophomore who has just made state on his swim team. The jocks of the school are impressed, so they decide to give him a little taste of PORNOGRAPHY. Not only did the kid enjoy looking at it, it was also the website that belonged to a saucy, sultry senior at that same high school. He becomes addicted to porn, staying up late at night, drinking energy drinks and looking at page after page of PORNOGRAPHY. This youngster is so dedicated to visiting every pornographic website that he doesn't even take time out to spank the monkey!
Well, you can probably guess what happened next. He did not win at the state championship swim meet, he broke up with his Christian girlfriend, he snuck out of the house to look at porn, looked at porn on the internet, looked up porn on his ex-girlfriends PDA, stole his mother's credit card to pay for porn -- and his grades were slipping! Perhaps the worst part is that is 12 year old brother gets addicted to porn as well and burns a CD he calls "Virgin Vaginas." The hiding spot -- his dresser drawer. No way his mom will put any clothes away there!
I don't want to spoil the ending... I highly recommend this as a TiVo/DVR suggestion. Reefer Madness is to marijuana as Cyber Seduction: His Secret Life is to PORNOGRAPHY.