cookie23 wrote:
While this board can be hilarious and sometimes a little to crazy for this middle aged pretty boring guy, what is the endgame of the protests? All I hear is vague terms. In my opinion in a few months nothing will have changed, except the damage to business owners becauses of the thin margins they were on from COVID and now this.
Tea Party- no end game for they were hypocrites, look at the national deficit.
Race Protests after COVID - The hypocrisy, you think it cannot go any higher, it just keeps going. I know and I know probably many on here have delt with the passing of loved ones. Funerals limited to certain amouont of people during COVID.
Now 1000s of people in the streets and that is ok? This is still going on for funerals in the state of IL.
I have never seen such hypocrisy in my life. A little over a week ago people were being arrested for going to work, but thousands of people protesting together is okay? I am not talking a bout the looters, there is a difference. I am for the protests, but why not call off all social distancing, phases, etc.
I carefully listened ot Drew Brees minute long talk on the flag. He literally checked every box and on ESPN the headline is basically Drew Brees is a racist.
The cops were arreste and I dont know a soul who is in favor of the cops. Racism is real, its horrible. We have a long way to go, but we have improved and need to keep improving.
Again what is the end game to all of this?
From Trump, to the media, Governors, Mayors, i dont think anyone knows.
I think it just fizzles out for there is no end game.
Oh wait I know one, VOTE!!!!! November will be interesting. If people dont vote, this is all for nothing and how weird and hypocritical this all is.
I remember hearing Parkins and others like him saying it was selfish to go to a 1/4 filled stadium do to COVID, but okay to protest, sweating and yelling with thousands of people not selfish?
Will we look back at this time in history and see a change? I just dont know or know of one except voting in November.
I am truly disappointed that Brees apologized. He had nothing to apologize for. And if you are going to start something and say what you want to say then stick up for yourself and your belief. That is part of the problem with the world today. Someone says something. Some one else doesn't like it and calls them a name like "racist" and the first person gets some advice that they better apologize or they will be thought ill of.
A bunch of us were talking yesterday after golf about the NFL and the issue of Brees. A fellow vet friend of mine who is a huge football fan, said that he is done with watching the NFL because of the BLM and "kneeling" shit happening. I said that I was probably going to quit watching also. ANother guy, a retired black cop, argued that this wasn't pointed against the flag and the country and a pretty good argument ensued. A retired fireman, a white guy said that these NFL protestors were wrong and it got pretty heated before it was over.
To me, right now, the bad guys are winning in this country. The Soros backed Antifa anarchists, Black Lives Matter, and these Boogoloo bastards are winning along with the media who want chaos to occur. The evil that is the media and people like Soros need to be fought one way or the other.