WaitingforRuffcorn wrote:
Nas wrote:
Antarctica wrote:
Nas wrote:
The over policing, harassment and police abuse creates a particular outcome. The war on drugs and over policing of poor communication hasn't exactly made many of these communities better. In many cases they've made them worse despite the huge investment.
What came first, the crime or the cop?
Depends on the income of the community. If you live in an affluent community, it's definitely the crime. If you don't, it's probably the cop.
The reason that poor communities are over policed is that politicians were accused of abandoning them. The crime bill that was used to smear Biden now is a part of it. There was a demand for additional policing because crime was terrible. What will pulling the cops out do? There is some evidence to suggest murders will spike again.
It's June and Chicago already has more homicides that in all of 2019.
The Crime Bill had very little impact on local communities because it is a federal bill. Locally, there was a push for the state and local governments to "get tough on crime" and lock "those" people up and throw away the key. I don't think it was the poor who asked for more police. It was the lower middle class, middle class and affluent people who turned on their nightly news and picked up their daily papers and were convinced that some gang banger or evil poor man or woman was going to rape or murder them.
These things were pushed by the media and a developing law enforcement industry. Hiring more cops, taking criminals, guns and drugs off the street was supposed to make these upper class people feel safe. It worked for the affluent and some middle class communities. Not so much for lower middle class communities. Over policing and fewer economic opportunities absolutely devastated poor communities.
Today the same law enforcement industry is talking about criminal justice reform. Not because they're bleeding hearts, but because the bubble has burst. They've pretty much sucked the system dry and the tax base can't continue to support building more prisons or hiring more cops. "Reform" was going to come one way or another. This may have slightly accelerated the process.