I think this silly season is really great. We are seeing players coming up in actual real game situations and seeing how they can deal with real shit. I've said before that I really don't care much what happens this season in terms of a championship or not. I'm just happy that the Sox are this good right now after the total crap they've been for awhile.
I do think that some people here(and you know who you are
, are agonizing over shit about so and so being done and others being great, etc. Think if this was a normal season with 33 games played and a bunch of mostly young players on your team. This is what happens when young players and players that are coming of off injuries and illness (Rodon, Lopez, Gio, Dunning, Mazara, Moncada, etc.) go through. IF this was a regular season, at this point the Sox would be just starting to consider trading for a name starting pitcher before the trading deadline in a month or two. Some of these guys we are seeing now would be playing in 3A right now. Instead they are jumping up in class and learning via OJT at the major league level.
IN other words....RELAX. It's going to be OKAY. This season is just meant to be fun and it sure as hell beats watching the political crap on TV everywhere.