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 Post subject: Re: Julie DiCaro!!!
PostPosted: Wed Feb 09, 2022 11:27 am 
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Joe Orr Road Rod wrote:
billypootons wrote:

if true, that kinda sucks

Those are the kind of statistics that people who want to believe something- like Julie- latch onto and spout as if they were factual when all one need do is stop for a single minute and think about how anyone could know how many rapes there are if so many aren't reported.

Also important to know how they define rape. My guess is it's not what one traditionally thinks of when they hear the word rape.

Nas wrote:
We lose a lot of rights when we look the other way when it doesn't affect our lives or it isn't a cause we agree with.

 Post subject: Re: Julie DiCaro!!!
PostPosted: Wed Feb 09, 2022 11:38 am 
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Her own alleged rape is indicative of the problem. She was drunk, didn't resist, didn't report it to anyone, then partied with the guy the next day. He wasn't her boyfriend, she wasn't living with him, she wasn't dependent on him, he wasn't her boss, etc. I'm sorry ladies, but if you don't report a crime (or what you think is a crime), what the fuck do you think is supposed to happen?

To IkeSouth, bigfan wrote:
Are you stoned or pissed off, or both, when you create these postings?

 Post subject: Re: Julie DiCaro!!!
PostPosted: Wed Feb 09, 2022 11:46 am 
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Bernsie just spent some time on Bauer. He claimed to have evidence that is somewhere on record that Bauer punched her unconscious, choked, raped and sodomized her. He states MLB "MUST" suspend him minimum one year.

Now I am no Bauer supporter but how can Bernsie say that and Bauer's statement and lawyer completely contradict that? If there is hard evidence would not the case still be ongoing? He mentioned something I did not hear clearly either about the judge is some problematic judge.

Elections have consequences.

 Post subject: Re: Julie DiCaro!!!
PostPosted: Wed Feb 09, 2022 11:48 am 
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pittmike wrote:
Bernsie just spent some time on Bauer. He claimed to have evidence that is somewhere on record that Bauer punched her unconscious, choked, raped and sodomized her. He states MLB "MUST" suspend him minimum one year.

Now I am no Bauer supporter but how can Bernsie say that and Bauer's statement and lawyer completely contradict that? If there is hard evidence would not the case still be ongoing? He mentioned something I did not hear clearly either about the judge is some problematic judge.

Well if there's one thing I know for sure is that Dan Bernstein certainly knows more about the case than the Orange County DA and certainly more than the Buffalo DA in the Kane case.

Proud member of the white guy grievance committee

It aint the six minutes. Its what happens in those six minutes.

 Post subject: Re: Julie DiCaro!!!
PostPosted: Wed Feb 09, 2022 11:48 am 
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he said the same shit about Kane. that he had sources close to/involved in the ongoing proceedings that had evidence not released to the public. hes full of shit.

'Your AT&T Universal Card has arrived'? Oh God, Kick-fucking-ass, I got a Master Card! I don't believe it, man. Life is kinda cool sometimes.

 Post subject: Re: Julie DiCaro!!!
PostPosted: Wed Feb 09, 2022 11:52 am 
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pittmike wrote:
Bernsie just spent some time on Bauer. He claimed to have evidence that is somewhere on record that Bauer punched her unconscious, choked, raped and sodomized her. He states MLB "MUST" suspend him minimum one year.

Now I am no Bauer supporter but how can Bernsie say that and Bauer's statement and lawyer completely contradict that? If there is hard evidence would not the case still be ongoing? He mentioned something I did not hear clearly either about the judge is some problematic judge.

Yeah he was making the case that a whole bunch of things that sound like actual crimes aren’t disputed. I can’t imagine that’s true.

Peter Clavin wrote:
Because you are stupid, maybe read some books educate yourself.
Nardi wrote:
We walk, talk, and won't shit our pants

 Post subject: Re: Julie DiCaro!!!
PostPosted: Wed Feb 09, 2022 12:00 pm 
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pittmike wrote:
Bernsie just spent some time on Bauer. He claimed to have evidence that is somewhere on record that Bauer punched her unconscious, choked, raped and sodomized her. He states MLB "MUST" suspend him minimum one year.

Now I am no Bauer supporter but how can Bernsie say that and Bauer's statement and lawyer completely contradict that? If there is hard evidence would not the case still be ongoing? He mentioned something I did not hear clearly either about the judge is some problematic judge.

Years after the Kane case, Rosenbloom claimed there was evidence that Kane was guilty. If that's true, why didn't he go to the police with it? Why would he keep that evidence to himself, after telling the listening audience he knew of it, and let a rapist go free?

 Post subject: Re: Julie DiCaro!!!
PostPosted: Wed Feb 09, 2022 12:15 pm 
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I don't think there is any dispute that he did the acts.

The crime occurs if it was unwanted.

It is was wanted, it's just another kink that some of us might find unbelievably exotic, but a kink nonetheless.

O judgment! Thou art fled to brutish beasts,
And men have lost their reason.

 Post subject: Re: Julie DiCaro!!!
PostPosted: Wed Feb 09, 2022 12:22 pm 
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good dolphin wrote:
I don't think there is any dispute that he did the acts.

The crime occurs if it was unwanted.

The stuff Bernstein described about beating somebody unconscious and then assaulting them sound criminal.

Peter Clavin wrote:
Because you are stupid, maybe read some books educate yourself.
Nardi wrote:
We walk, talk, and won't shit our pants

 Post subject: Re: Julie DiCaro!!!
PostPosted: Wed Feb 09, 2022 12:26 pm 
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This Ends in Antioch wrote:
good dolphin wrote:
I don't think there is any dispute that he did the acts.

The crime occurs if it was unwanted.

The stuff Bernstein described about beating somebody unconscious and then assaulting them sound criminal.

There are clubs out there where you can go to get beaten. One is called Wrigley Field

O judgment! Thou art fled to brutish beasts,
And men have lost their reason.

 Post subject: Re: Julie DiCaro!!!
PostPosted: Wed Feb 09, 2022 12:28 pm 
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rape isnt black and white. that seems to be the main problem with why rape is tough to prosecute given the standard for conviction is beyond a reasonable doubt

 Post subject: Re: Julie DiCaro!!!
PostPosted: Wed Feb 09, 2022 1:05 pm 
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Jaw Breaker wrote:
She talks about how great it is to be in a union, but it seems like she doesn't actually, you know, work.

Well, some would say the joke writes itself.

Molly Lambert wrote:
The future holds the possibility to be great or terrible, and since it has not yet occurred it remains simultaneously both.

 Post subject: Re: Julie DiCaro!!!
PostPosted: Wed Feb 09, 2022 1:16 pm 
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Curious Hair wrote:
Jaw Breaker wrote:
She talks about how great it is to be in a union, but it seems like she doesn't actually, you know, work.

Well, some would say the joke writes itself.

It's going to need to if the writers are on strike...

An unjust law is no law at all--St. Augustine of Hippo

Cause tried and true
I see the light in you
Oh, can you dig in my soul?
Could you smell my whole...
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 Post subject: Re: Julie DiCaro!!!
PostPosted: Wed Feb 09, 2022 3:18 pm 
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julie is capable of screwing up a joke that wrote itself

'Your AT&T Universal Card has arrived'? Oh God, Kick-fucking-ass, I got a Master Card! I don't believe it, man. Life is kinda cool sometimes.

 Post subject: Re: Julie DiCaro!!!
PostPosted: Wed Feb 09, 2022 3:23 pm 
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...and her article on Bauer today is basically talking about Law and Order SVU and Ben Rothlisberger.

'Your AT&T Universal Card has arrived'? Oh God, Kick-fucking-ass, I got a Master Card! I don't believe it, man. Life is kinda cool sometimes.

 Post subject: Re: Julie DiCaro!!!
PostPosted: Wed Feb 09, 2022 4:04 pm 
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Franky T wrote:
Joe Orr Road Rod wrote:
billypootons wrote:

if true, that kinda sucks

Those are the kind of statistics that people who want to believe something- like Julie- latch onto and spout as if they were factual when all one need do is stop for a single minute and think about how anyone could know how many rapes there are if so many aren't reported.

Also important to know how they define rape. My guess is it's not what one traditionally thinks of when they hear the word rape.

There is little doubt these kinds of estimates are based all or in-part on the same kind of joke science that brought us the "1 in 5" statistic.

Incredibly broad definition of "sexual assault" asked in a leading way of survey respondents + incredibly low survey response rate + hyper-self-selecting sample + counting every incredibly vague incident of "sexual assault" as an "unreported rape" = nonsensical statistics such as these.

 Post subject: Re: Julie DiCaro!!!
PostPosted: Wed Feb 09, 2022 4:13 pm 
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Julie DiCaro wrote:
According to the Rape, Abuse, and Incent National Network (RAINN), only 310 rapes are reported per every 1,000. Of those 310, only 50 result in an arrest and only 28 will be prosecuted.

She can't even keep her fake stats straight.

(Also, "Incent"? LOL, Senior Editor.)

To IkeSouth, bigfan wrote:
Are you stoned or pissed off, or both, when you create these postings?

 Post subject: Re: Julie DiCaro!!!
PostPosted: Wed Feb 09, 2022 4:22 pm 
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Joe Orr Road Rod wrote:
billypootons wrote:

if true, that kinda sucks

Those are the kind of statistics that people who want to believe something- like Julie- latch onto and spout as if they were factual when all one need do is stop for a single minute and think about how anyone could know how many rapes there are if so many aren't reported.

50% OF ALL NFL FANS ARE WOMYN!!!!!!!!!!!!

LTG wrote:
Trae Young will be a bust. Book It!

 Post subject: Re: Julie DiCaro!!!
PostPosted: Wed Feb 09, 2022 4:51 pm 
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This Ends in Antioch wrote:
good dolphin wrote:
I don't think there is any dispute that he did the acts.

The crime occurs if it was unwanted.

The stuff Bernstein described about beating somebody unconscious and then assaulting them sound criminal.
This came out when the CA woman requested a restraining order: “Bauer's attorney conceded that he choked the petitioner until she was unconscious and was violent to her during sex. He himself invoked the Fifth Amendment. He was not 'found innocent.'

There's a lot of other stuff that certainly paints an ugly picture of Bauer - including threatening text messages and other social media posts. There's also (apparently) some pictures of an Ohio woman and at least one medical report that fit into the abuse narrative. Clearly proving it was rape in these cases is a tough task. Still might be enough there for MLB to suspend him however.

Mr. Trump is unfit for our nation’s highest office.- JD Vance
If you committed violence on that day, obviously, you shouldn’t be pardoned.- JD Vance on the J-6 insurrectionists

 Post subject: Re: Julie DiCaro!!!
PostPosted: Wed Feb 09, 2022 4:54 pm 
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Zippy-The-Pinhead wrote:
This Ends in Antioch wrote:
good dolphin wrote:
I don't think there is any dispute that he did the acts.

The crime occurs if it was unwanted.

The stuff Bernstein described about beating somebody unconscious and then assaulting them sound criminal.
This came out when the CA woman requested a restraining order: “Bauer's attorney conceded that he choked the petitioner until she was unconscious and was violent to her during sex. He himself invoked the Fifth Amendment. He was not 'found innocent.'

There's a lot of other stuff that certainly paints an ugly picture of Bauer - including threatening text messages and other social media posts. There's also (apparently) some pictures of an Ohio woman and at least one medical report that fit into the abuse narrative. Clearly proving it was rape in these cases is a tough task. Still might be enough there for MLB to suspend him however.

Don’t doubt it. Bernsie we al should not be blaming judges and calling for imprisonment however.

Elections have consequences.

 Post subject: Re: Julie DiCaro!!!
PostPosted: Wed Feb 09, 2022 5:00 pm 
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Zippy-The-Pinhead wrote:
This Ends in Antioch wrote:
good dolphin wrote:
I don't think there is any dispute that he did the acts.

The crime occurs if it was unwanted.

The stuff Bernstein described about beating somebody unconscious and then assaulting them sound criminal.
This came out when the CA woman requested a restraining order: “Bauer's attorney conceded that he choked the petitioner until she was unconscious and was violent to her during sex. He himself invoked the Fifth Amendment. He was not 'found innocent.'

There's a lot of other stuff that certainly paints an ugly picture of Bauer - including threatening text messages and other social media posts. There's also (apparently) some pictures of an Ohio woman and at least one medical report that fit into the abuse narrative. Clearly proving it was rape in these cases is a tough task. Still might be enough there for MLB to suspend him however.

Trevor Bauer is a POS. Who can objectively argue different?

 Post subject: Re: Julie DiCaro!!!
PostPosted: Wed Feb 09, 2022 5:06 pm 
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Nardi wrote:
Trevor Bauer is a POS.
Agree. So is July.

Being a POS isn't breaking the law.

Joe Orr Road Rod wrote:
It's more fun to be a victim
Caller Bob wrote:
There will never be an effective vaccine. I'll never get one anyway.

 Post subject: Re: Julie DiCaro!!!
PostPosted: Wed Feb 09, 2022 5:08 pm 
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Nardi wrote:
Zippy-The-Pinhead wrote:
This Ends in Antioch wrote:
good dolphin wrote:
I don't think there is any dispute that he did the acts.

The crime occurs if it was unwanted.

The stuff Bernstein described about beating somebody unconscious and then assaulting them sound criminal.
This came out when the CA woman requested a restraining order: “Bauer's attorney conceded that he choked the petitioner until she was unconscious and was violent to her during sex. He himself invoked the Fifth Amendment. He was not 'found innocent.'

There's a lot of other stuff that certainly paints an ugly picture of Bauer - including threatening text messages and other social media posts. There's also (apparently) some pictures of an Ohio woman and at least one medical report that fit into the abuse narrative. Clearly proving it was rape in these cases is a tough task. Still might be enough there for MLB to suspend him however.

Trevor Bauer is a POS. Who can objectively argue different?

All the broads who specifically requested he rough them up?

LTG wrote:
Trae Young will be a bust. Book It!

 Post subject: Re: Julie DiCaro!!!
PostPosted: Wed Feb 09, 2022 5:08 pm 
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Frank Coztansa wrote:
Nardi wrote:
Trevor Bauer is a POS.
Agree. So is July.

Being a POS isn't breaking the law.

He hates half the population. Not just jews.

 Post subject: Re: Julie DiCaro!!!
PostPosted: Wed Feb 09, 2022 5:09 pm 
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Nardi wrote:
Trevor Bauer is a POS. Who can objectively argue different?

Nobody who is sane.

And he is an illustration of why any attempt to mandate "proof of consent" (via prior signed consent form/contract) is going to backfire. Bauer knew that she had pretty much consented, through her texts, to very rough sex, so he probably figured he could take it beyond what she really wanted and then he would have evidence that she asked for it. What he didn't seem to realize is that even if you have the legal right (which still seems dubious), everybody is going to see you as a psychopath.

To IkeSouth, bigfan wrote:
Are you stoned or pissed off, or both, when you create these postings?

Last edited by Jaw Breaker on Wed Feb 09, 2022 5:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: Julie DiCaro!!!
PostPosted: Wed Feb 09, 2022 5:10 pm 
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shakes wrote:
Nardi wrote:
Zippy-The-Pinhead wrote:
This Ends in Antioch wrote:
good dolphin wrote:
I don't think there is any dispute that he did the acts.

The crime occurs if it was unwanted.

The stuff Bernstein described about beating somebody unconscious and then assaulting them sound criminal.
This came out when the CA woman requested a restraining order: “Bauer's attorney conceded that he choked the petitioner until she was unconscious and was violent to her during sex. He himself invoked the Fifth Amendment. He was not 'found innocent.'

There's a lot of other stuff that certainly paints an ugly picture of Bauer - including threatening text messages and other social media posts. There's also (apparently) some pictures of an Ohio woman and at least one medical report that fit into the abuse narrative. Clearly proving it was rape in these cases is a tough task. Still might be enough there for MLB to suspend him however.

Trevor Bauer is a POS. Who can objectively argue different?

All the broads who specifically requested he rough them up?

I give zero fucks what was requested.

 Post subject: Re: Julie DiCaro!!!
PostPosted: Wed Feb 09, 2022 5:10 pm 
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Nardi wrote:
Frank Coztansa wrote:
Nardi wrote:
Trevor Bauer is a POS.
Agree. So is July.

Being a POS isn't breaking the law.

He hates half the population. Not just jews.
Sounds like he's got a lot in common with ltg.

Joe Orr Road Rod wrote:
It's more fun to be a victim
Caller Bob wrote:
There will never be an effective vaccine. I'll never get one anyway.

 Post subject: Re: Julie DiCaro!!!
PostPosted: Wed Feb 09, 2022 5:14 pm 
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lots of continued speculation about what did or did not occur before, during, and after these sexual encounters in this thread. these thoughts should be posted on twitter in hopes of being included in a Deadspin Think Piece as the "pulse of the common man".


'Your AT&T Universal Card has arrived'? Oh God, Kick-fucking-ass, I got a Master Card! I don't believe it, man. Life is kinda cool sometimes.

 Post subject: Re: Julie DiCaro!!!
PostPosted: Wed Feb 09, 2022 8:31 pm 
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Nardi wrote:
Frank Coztansa wrote:
Nardi wrote:
Trevor Bauer is a POS.
Agree. So is July.

Being a POS isn't breaking the law.

He hates half the population. Not just jews.

He should post here.

Juice's Lecture Notes wrote:
I am not a legal expert, how many times do I have to say it?

 Post subject: Re: Julie DiCaro!!!
PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2022 7:11 am 
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Zippy-The-Pinhead wrote:
There's a lot of other stuff that certainly paints an ugly picture of Bauer - including threatening text messages and other social media posts.

I'm not commenting on Trevor Bauer's character, his quality as a human being, or what actually happened between him and this woman or any other woman. I will say that if there are women out there who like being roughed up during sex, I suppose that unlike Nardi, I don't have a problem with them finding a man to do it. I don't know. I've never given it much thought. It seems fucked up to me, but so does the obsession that some guys have with anal or watching two chicks go at it. We all have different sexual proclivities. I guess in a time when lesbians are claiming to be men and getting surgery to go from being dykey broads to ugly straight dudes, it's hard for me to find anything to be that outre. But hey, I'm just an old man whose favorite position is missionary.

But I want to address the part about Bauer being mean or "threatening" women on social media. I wouldn't call myself "extremely online" but I know my way around Twitter enough that I'm aware of a niche brand that I would call "Woke Feminist Baseball Twitter." Just the White Sox section would include people like @LWilz, @Keelin_12ft, and @scuriiosa (who is a super cute Filipinx). These are the kind of people who went into orbit when the Sox hired La Russa. Basically, they're all dan bernstein in yoga pants.

Anyway, Bauer's reputation for being outspoken on Twitter is well known. But that's kind of the point of Twitter, isn't it? You've got something to say and you say it. Sometimes other people fire on you. You can ignore it, you can cry like Julie does and try to label anyone with a different opinion than yours a "troll", or you can fire back. You pays your money and you takes your choice. Bauer's reputation was cemented with the exchange described here: ... ung-woman/

I don't find anything about that Twitter beef particularly unique or significant other than that it involved a major league pitcher. But if a woman were going to take a shot at putting the squeeze on a wealthy athlete- and I am not suggesting that's what happened here although there are some questions- Bauer would have been a perfect candidate. Because from the moment the story hit the news, Woke Feminist Baseball Twitter was going to get right to work.

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