Nas wrote:
Those weren't really radical things in the '60s. What LBJ and even Nixon were willing to do have zero chance of happening today. What you're missing is all of those things still rely upon the graciousness of the government and those who were facilitating the oppression. Saying, "fuck you, I'll create my own, and be willing to defend it with force," is a far more significant threat to order.
Edit: Look all over the country, you'll struggle with find predominantly black communities with predominantly black businesses. That wasn't true in the 60s and that isn't true when it comes to other groups of people in America. I don't think that's an accident.
And again those are talking points that have been promoted mostly by those that seek to oppress blacks and blacks that were and are complicit in that oppression. King was likely killed because of his "radical" views regarding Poverty and the Vietnam War actually. MANY who supported him over Civil Rights later broke with him over his opposition to the Vietnam War and his newfound economic message regarding poverty.
And regardless as to whether there were more black businesses or not in the 60's is the fact that there were more blacks living in poverty during the 50's and 60's than there are today. The black middle class grew "exponentially" as a result of LBJ's War on Poverty and also Affirmative Action. More blacks became college educated as well. And the numbers back this up.
The very people in this country that chide blacks for "depending" on Govt are the very people that (and History will back this up) depend on govt the most. For instance if the stock market goes belly up tomorrow it won't be all "brilliant" stock pickers located there that everyone will "depend" on to "bail" us out. It will be Govt.
When the Mortgage Industry collapsed in 08 it wasn't all of the "ardent" Capitalists (who created the crisis) that "WE" depended on to bail us out of it. It was Gov't.
Neither Slavery nor Jim Crow would have existed without the support of Govt. If you go down the line the "invisible hand" of Govt has been used to guide this country every step of the way. The notion that "WE" are a capitalist nation heavily reliant upon the "hard work" and "independence" of the "individual" is pure folly.
pittmike wrote:
Technically I was drunk (big surprise) and asked her if she liked a tongue up her ass.
Frank Coztansa wrote:
Again, your comprehension needs work.