Dr. Kenneth Noisewater wrote:
Just flipped on the TV and Roadhouse was on. I saw some bad ‘90s hair and turned it off.
Didn’t want to ruin it. Because it is so amazing. Only saw 2 minutes.
80's hair. the movie was released in 1989. this is another thing that bugs me, when i was watching the "Nightmare on Elm Street" RLM RE:view video. I think it was Mike that kept referring to "The Dream Child" as having all this "90's stuff". It was released in 1989.
The rule of thumb is that a decade doesn't take shape for the first 4-5 years. So stuff in the early 80's is more 70's than 80's (hairstyles, music styles, etc.) By the mid-late part of the decade, it fully matures. By the end of the decade, it's so saturated that once again...it spills into the early part of the next decade. The early 90's is much more like the 80's. By the late 90's, you have...you know, Creed. And that fucking "I'm Blue" song.
The 90's is actually like 3 decades in one because it also had 70's styles coming back.