Nardi wrote:
Pretty good analogy.
Maybe this will make it easier to understand for the more...intellectually challenged members here.
In Junior High my buddies and I would dutifully watch the old AWA wrestling TV show, we all were willing marks who were willing to suspend disbelief because we liked watching grown ass dudes beat the hell out of each other, we would then copy the moves and try to beat the hell out of each other, it was what dudes did back then.
So, we watched the show and heard the crowd chanting "Weasel, Weasel" at Bobby "The Brain" Heenan, we all hated Bobby so we copied the chant when we attended the live AWA house shows at Boylan Catholic High School in Rockford, it was a work, they worked us into all thinking and acting the same, of course we were in sixth grade and didn't know any better, but the entire crowd all acted the same way. A crowd full of marks that were all worked into thinking and behaving the same way.
Later we learned that Bobby Heenan and Verne Gagne carefully planned the entire storyline because they could replicate the "Weasel Suit" matches in each town in the AWA territory, this particular work drew crowds and made Bobby and Verne a ton of money.
Realize my thesis sentence was a bit too concise, but it does seem that the exact same thing is being down to work the left and right these days by people far less talented and clever than Bobby Heenan, but some people have an almost evangelical devotion to their political party of choice these days so they exhibit a level of markdom that makes them easy marks who are incredibly easy to work.