Mr. Belvidere wrote:
I think the silence speaks for itself. My mission as a "North Hater" as I"ve been labeled here and I'm proud of, is to watch his career spiral down to the dirt on the ground. I relish his demise. I have decided to comment less on North as he becomes more insignificant. This may seem over the top by some but I have always been a firm believer in watching with delight the down fall of arrogance and ignorance. This show will fail. I cannot be sure when because I'm not involved in any staff meetings at Comcast but it will fail. They all eventually do. Good or Bad. This will fail eventually because of North.
Again, the silence here will continue until he's gone. For me, I'll check back to watch the comments by YOUS GUYS but I'm gonna lead the SILENT majority. Silence will kill North more than any critical comments.
As a Cubs fan, allow me to "reach across the aisle" and join you on your mission! I consider myself a member of the NHC (north hater club).