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 Post subject: I miss Big Doug
PostPosted: Wed May 27, 2009 9:59 pm 
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I swear I looked forward to Fridays! As I get older and most of what I deal with all day is problems, people bitching, fighting, arguing, etc Big Doug was my best laugh all week. I still would like an explanation, now of course in detail, of why he was let go.

Big Doug called in for 15 minutes a week from his house. SHIRLEy, he could not have been looking for serious money for this, unless his agent (Bebe North) gave another ultimatum. (ughhh)

Doug and OB, while providing no real technical analysis expressed my anger perfectly in Bear losses. I am not sure why I felt better after listening to them when the Bears lost, but I did. The show seemed popular enough that it could have had it's own sponsor or 4 to support it alone?

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 Post subject: Re: I miss Big Doug
PostPosted: Thu May 28, 2009 5:47 am 
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Agreed, BF. And I bet Mully and Hanley miss him even more.

 Post subject: Re: I miss Big Doug
PostPosted: Thu May 28, 2009 6:38 am 
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bigfan wrote:
I swear I looked forward to Fridays! As I get older and most of what I deal with all day is problems, people bitching, fighting, arguing, etc Big Doug was my best laugh all week. I still would like an explanation, now of course in detail, of why he was let go.

Big Doug called in for 15 minutes a week from his house. SHIRLEy, he could not have been looking for serious money for this, unless his agent (Bebe North) gave another ultimatum. (ughhh)

Doug and OB, while providing no real technical analysis expressed my anger perfectly in Bear losses. I am not sure why I felt better after listening to them when the Bears lost, but I did. The show seemed popular enough that it could have had it's own sponsor or 4 to support it alone?

Loved the postgame show, hopefully they get picked up by ESPN Radio.

 Post subject: Re: I miss Big Doug
PostPosted: Thu May 28, 2009 12:23 pm 
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I miss Dougy too. Do you think that mayne when Hamptons 1 year contract runs out in August that the Score will dump Hampton and then bring Doug back?
Has Doug or anyone else even addressed being let go by the score? Maybe Doug is still getting paid and his pay is contingent on being quiet. Or, could this be a situation where in a couple of Months Mitch announces that due to fan reaction to Doug is coming back.
I'm not usually one to buy into conspiracy theories, but I certainly hope that this is the plan!

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We don’t have a trillion-dollar debt because we haven’t taxed enough; we have a trillion-dollar debt because we spend too much. — Ronald Reagan

 Post subject: Re: I miss Big Doug
PostPosted: Thu May 28, 2009 5:59 pm 
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spaulding wrote:
Also if you fuck someone like they are a millionaire they might go try to be one.

 Post subject: Re: I miss Big Doug
PostPosted: Fri May 29, 2009 9:22 am 
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Doug and OB are going to CSWebio for their Bears postgame shows....

 Post subject: Re: I miss Big Doug
PostPosted: Sun May 31, 2009 10:25 pm 
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bigfan wrote:
I swear I looked forward to Fridays! As I get older and most of what I deal with all day is problems, people bitching, fighting, arguing, etc Big Doug was my best laugh all week. I still would like an explanation, now of course in detail, of why he was let go.

Big Doug called in for 15 minutes a week from his house. SHIRLEy, he could not have been looking for serious money for this, unless his agent (Bebe North) gave another ultimatum. (ughhh)

Doug and OB, while providing no real technical analysis expressed my anger perfectly in Bear losses. I am not sure why I felt better after listening to them when the Bears lost, but I did. The show seemed popular enough that it could have had it's own sponsor or 4 to support it alone?

Get. Over. It.

Don Tiny wrote:
... except the night I dropped my pants and then loudly proclaimed I was the Whore of Babylon and demanded more wine, but that's another story.

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