Bookie Priest wrote:
This is nothing more than another example of how Mike can sell ANYTHING to anyBODY!
Look he got this LECT whatever to pay him to advertise what now? Huh? PROOF that North is a machinge when he wants to sell. Just you wait until the other new sponsors are revealed. This is just a small step in mankind for a jiant leap to come.
This sponsor was only signed to drive up the prise on another competing business for the title sponsiorship. Tthe other new one coming on board besides the Adult Bev company is competing wtih LECET and the afourmentioned beverages company for title sponsiorship and the prise is just going up and up and up.
Mabe you guys don't know much about business.
And don't you worry about North being in any legal problems, the feds told him he was clean they don't care about him at all as long as he tells the truth then the time comes in a few months and he will tell the truth because Mike is a truthful fellow.
Fantastic news, Bookie......NORTH IS A WITNESS FOR THE FEDS!!!!!!
Can't wait for the truth......
"I am a Senn dropout"
"I am really just a hustler, like a dope dealer, who doesn't care where I get the damned money, as long as I get it."
"I really never checked into this guy Hernandez, and neither did my wife, who I put in a Ghost Payroll job." "I saw dollar signs".
"I truly am an genius who believes my own bullshit."
"As you can see and hear, I am truly too stupid and loudmouthed to have participated in the Defendant's Ponzi Scheme."