Keyser Soze wrote:
Larry Bienfest is the GM of the Marlins.
Bill Stoneman was the GM in Ananhiem when they won the WS.
Pat Gillick was the GM for the Phillies LAST YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'll start reading your posts when you stop making up a bunch of bullshit to try to make a point.
Keysor, I think we're discussing different topics.
Turd Ferguson said he couldn't think of too many GM's he would like to have so I threw a few names out there.
He then asked for further info on the guys and why I thought they were more accomplished than Kenny.
Larry Beinfest is the President of Baseball Operations, Michael Hill is the GM of Florida. Of course Stoneman was GM at the time LAA won the series, and of course Amaro was the Assistant GM. I said all of that
You are entirely missing the point of why these guys were brought into the discussion. My main point being Kenny has been with the SOX for 17 years and has nothing to show for it other than 2005. In the meantime for example, Ruben Amaro was assistant GM on a team that has produced the following players from their OWN system (R Howard, J Rollins, Utley, Hamels, Happ, etc) and won. If you want to disagree with my post and discuss, that's great, that's the point of message boards, but you at least need to read the posts or be on topic to have any relevance.
Still waiting on a list of players developed by Kenny during his tenure with the team...
It also makes me wonder if 2 first place finishes in 9 years as GM is good, then whats your definition of bad..?
Drop In wrote:
I'm picturing a 12 year old Bob Loblaw bitching out a Randy Savage Wrestling Buddy for botching his finisher. Also envisioning Bob Loblaw getting bitched at for lighting the living room table on fire for said finisher.