New ratings system helps sports talk radio Posted by Ed Sherman at 10/13/2009 1:42 AM CDT on Chicago Business
A little further analysis is required to explain why both of Chicago's sports talk radio stations, WSCR-AM 670 and WMVP-AM 1000, had strong ratings in the summer, as we reported Monday. Some of it might be due to Arbitron's new method to track ratings.
Previously, Arbitron asked its participants to keep a diary of the stations they listened to in the car or at home. It hardly was accurate, relying heavily on people's faulty memories.
Last year, Arbitron changed to using a Portable People Meter. It is an electronic devise that accurately records the subject's listening habits.
Bob Snyder, the former general manager of WMVP-AM 1000, has been tracking the impact as a radio consultant. He believes Chicago-based sports talk radio has been a big winner with the switch.
"The results haven't been consistent market to market, but here it has helped (sports talk radio in Chicago)," said Mr. Snyder, whose company name is Beason Broadcast Partners. "With the People Meters, you're picking up more of short incidental listening of sports talk radio. That always existed, but likely wasn't recalled when people were doing a diary."
"Also, there was an element of overreporting for music stations in Chicago. People would record they were listening to a music station for a 1-2-hour block. In reality, they weren't listening that long."
The combination, Mr. Snyder said, has lifted WMVP and WSCR up the rankings ladder for stations in the Chicago market. Little wonder why the sports talkers are big fans of the People Meters.
_________________ Nozomi Kurahashi is an alias chosen by Yoshizawa Ayumi following her teen debut as a nude gravure idol in Japan.