Ok, I have been locked out of steaming AM radio at work for over 2
months now. I am looking for an option to get access as I have
exhausted my CD collection and gets boring playing the same stuff
all the time. I was talking to a guy at work here who says he can
get AM access via his iPhone and its WiFi capabilities. He told me
if I don't want the phone to look at the iTouch which is essentially
an iPhone without the phone. This would work fine for me as I
barely use a phone as it is.
The iTouch would allow me to download music, movies, use the
internet and play games. Does anyone have one or used one?
They appear to cost about $200 which is steep but if I use all
the applications on it, I don't think it sounds completely out of
line. Just looking for thoughts from anyone who may know more
about this product.