badrogue17 wrote:
eddie wrote:
Thank you bigfan I ask the same question all the time. Why do these guy claim to hate Mac and his show but seem to always know what's going on on his show and in this forum?

I don't get it.... If you don't like when Mac fires on people don't listen. Some of us love to hear Mac go off on ESPN and other things. Don't deny us our fun because you're too morally superior to us heathens. Guess I'm an ALS member for that, again i say, oh well....
You know your post might carry some weight if it were addressed correctly. This has nothing to do with something Mac said on the air, it has to do with him making a fucking post here gloating about this awesome ratings victory and the dismissal of his former boss. You like listening to his shit on the air ripping ESPN, fine have at it. Some people dont. For you to say fuck those people because they are ruining your fun is asinine. Or for people to have an opinion contrary to yours is wrong. Thats why there's a board for you to express your views, and for others to agree or dispute them. Doesnt make them wrong or you right or vice-versa. He didnt seem to have a problem cashing ESPN checks for a lot of years , if it was such a hell hole maybe he shouldve quit long before he was shown the door ( with a nice long paid vacation at the end mind you). When he was at ESPN, the guys at the Score were dickheads , etc. Now he's back and the guys at ESPN are assholes. Little windsocky dontcha think? again, my opinion. You can agree or disagree, but you can fuck off straight to Highland if you think I can't have a negative opinion about him .[/quote]
Look here, I didn't say you can't have a negative opinion, and if you read more carefully I included Mac's posting (Why do these guy claim to hate Mac and his show but seem to always know what's going on on his show and in this
forum?) in my comment. Maybe forum was the wrong wording but I meant this message board. I never said having an opinion different from mine is wrong either; maybe you need hooked on phonics because you argument would be with MOFO. MOFO is the guy that called Mac out for not talking the high road. I argued that Mac has the right to handle his situation however he wants. I listened to Mac on ESPN for years and never heard him rip the score. He always seemed nostalgic for his Belmont Ave. days. He took joy in beating them and for letting North make a bonehead programming decision based on nothing. So before you rip me maybe you should read back a bit. I don't understand people who watch, read or listen to things when they know ahead of time they're going to hear something to piss them off. Hey live how you want to live but I'd think you'd want to find something you enjoyed. Unless you enjoy being pissed off then that's just strange.