Cuz wrote:
In the "Ratings" thread that Mac started, he mentioned that it sucks not to have sports media writers in either paper. Well, if I wrote a sports media column, this would be one of my articles. I hope Mac and everyone else enjoys reading it:
Warning to Mac: Don’t become the next Mike North. I like the Danny Mac Show, but it’s not as good as Mac, Jurko, and Harry was. It’s not Spiegel’s fault – I like Spiegel…with other partners. The problem is that Mac’s and Spiegel’s other shared interest becomes too involved with the show. As any regular listener would guess, I’m talking about their love of classic rock.
Anytime I hear them veer in that direction (and in the past month, it would take all my fingers and most of my toes to count the number of times) I punch the button to ESPN 1000. Once I do so, my ears are exposed to the Eric and Kathy of sports radio (which isn’t a good thing), but that’s a column for another day.
I can understand why Mac and Spiegs are friends and probably have good conversations at “MackeyLand”, but their friendship doesn’t usually translate into appointment radio. If I were an advisor to Dan McNeil a year and a half ago, I would have suggested looking to Jason Goff or Matt Abbatacola as a radio partner. Most Boers and Bernstein listeners are rooting for these guys to get a big break, and if McNeil could develop on-air chemistry with Harry Teinowitz, he shouldn’t have a problem developing it with Goff and/or Abbatacola …(It should be noted that Jason Goff does occasionally fill in for Matt Spiegel on The Danny Mac Show).
To bring this article full-circle, I want to remind you that Mike North was once the most well-known, highest paid sports radio host in the Chicago market. What changed?...Many would say that North “forgot where he came from,” and “lost focus on sports,” and “felt he didn’t need a partner.”
Mac, as a listener of yours for the past several years, I’m begging…Please don’t become the next Mike North.
This is right on the money. Spiegel IS the problem.
Evidence of this is the fact that Macs show is always better when Spiegel is off. I wish he was off 5 days each week.
How is this evidence of anything? It's just your opinion, not a stat.