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 Post subject: Breath of fresh air
PostPosted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 12:57 am 

Joined: Sun Feb 24, 2008 12:17 am
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How nice has it been to listen to the afternoon saloon this past couple weeks. Whether it be the Cubs and Sox opening week, Butler losing in the NCAA's, the Hawks push for the playoffs, or even the Manny Ramirez retirement, it's been such a joy to turn on AM 1000 and not have to listen to Teiniwicz's corny, oddball, backwards thinking on these topics. I say pass that goof another another drink, and tell him to not rush back anytime soon!

Blackhawk goal, scored by number 20, Al Secord.

 Post subject: Re: Breath of fresh air
PostPosted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 10:18 am 

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The show is worse than before. The main problem is Carmen, not Harry.

 Post subject: Re: Breath of fresh air
PostPosted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 11:31 am 
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bosco wrote:
The show is worse than before. The main problem is Carmen, not Harry.

explain yourself!

 Post subject: Re: Breath of fresh air
PostPosted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 11:56 am 

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Carmen is too bland.. Every point he makes has already been made earlier by someone else on ESPN. He never has an interesting opinion or angle on ANYTHING. The only talent he possesses is the ability to talk coherently. Oh, and he knows a lot of movie trivia.. great..

Harry is bad because he's a meatball. At least he occasionally has something interesting to say.

I don't know how ANYONE can listen to the show as it is right now. It's soooo fucking boring.

 Post subject: Re: Breath of fresh air
PostPosted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 12:56 pm 
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bosco wrote:
Carmen is too bland.. Every point he makes has already been made earlier by someone else on ESPN. He never has an interesting opinion or angle on ANYTHING. The only talent he possesses is the ability to talk coherently. Oh, and he knows a lot of movie trivia.. great..

Harry is bad because he's a meatball. At least he occasionally has something interesting to say.

I don't know how ANYONE can listen to the show as it is right now. It's soooo fucking boring.

I kinda agree. Carmen is also really good at sucking Jurko's schlong.

 Post subject: Re: Breath of fresh air
PostPosted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 1:14 pm 
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No ball busting going on now. Need Carm to drive the boat.

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 Post subject: Re: Breath of fresh air
PostPosted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 1:44 pm 
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Sarge wrote:
How nice has it been to listen to the afternoon saloon this past couple weeks. Whether it be the Cubs and Sox opening week, Butler losing in the NCAA's, the Hawks push for the playoffs, or even the Manny Ramirez retirement, it's been such a joy to turn on AM 1000 and not have to listen to Teiniwicz's corny, oddball, backwards thinking on these topics. I say pass that goof another another drink, and tell him to not rush back anytime soon!


Harry is a talentless fool who should NEVER be on radio again.

 Post subject: Re: Breath of fresh air
PostPosted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 7:07 pm 

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Isn't Carmen what ESPN wants, a guy that doesn't rock the boat, goes to work, does what's asked. Like most of the other ESPN guy's, it's probably a place, that you do what your told, your set for life.

 Post subject: Re: Breath of fresh air
PostPosted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 7:25 am 
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harry is hands down the worst radio personality in town, he has zero talent and no skill. the show improved minus harry no doubt..but the show still sucks..carmen is lame and will put you to sleep, i rarely listen to 1000 for 3 reasons..harry..carmen..and tom waddle

The Original Kid Cairo wrote:
Laurence Holmes is a fucking weirdo, a nerd in denial, and a wannabe. Not a very good radio host either.

 Post subject: Re: Breath of fresh air
PostPosted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 2:24 pm 
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bosco wrote:
Carmen is too bland.. Every point he makes has already been made earlier by someone else on ESPN. He never has an interesting opinion or angle on ANYTHING. The only talent he possesses is the ability to talk coherently. Oh, and he knows a lot of movie trivia.. great..

Harry is bad because he's a meatball. At least he occasionally has something interesting to say.

I don't know how ANYONE can listen to the show as it is right now. It's soooo fucking boring.

that's why he was a great driver for silvy & carmen. silvy brought all of the opinions and the level of energy up and carmen kept things moving.

 Post subject: Re: Breath of fresh air
PostPosted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 3:17 pm 

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I agree and think that's why this has been a bad pairing. Carmen needs a Silvy or Hood type to go with.

 Post subject: Re: Breath of fresh air
PostPosted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 6:32 pm 
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yes. jurko isn't that guy. he's a "third guy". he brings the last thought, sort of an agreeable person. he can be funny but he's the third guy. you need, like you said, a hood guy or someone to challenge.

 Post subject: Re: Breath of fresh air
PostPosted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 7:28 pm 

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coming soon to a radio near you..........mike north and harry tinywitz team up to create new levels of horrid radio :lol: tiny would lick nort's knob, just the kind of partner he likes. they could talk about their drinking days and how they both have quit. :lol:

Frank Coztansa wrote:
Please die in a fire.

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