Joe Orr Road Rod wrote:
This series was like the rebels winning a battle down in Texas after Lee had surrendered the Army of Northern Virginia.
But the Union Army was GOOD the last 2 years of the War...with the whiskey swilling and Cigar smoking Grant.......This Division STINKS....the Sox stink, so they are in a good position to WIN this Division.
In furtherance of White Sox Fanboyism, I have decided to use the rained out ticket in it is the day game of the Day-Night DH.....I will buy a ticket to the night game close to a beer stand and a pisser..... The Sox may clinch the COVETED A.L. Central Chumpionship THAT DAY!!!! I also am attending the University of Michigan Opener and a great tailgate, and guess who is in Deeetroit that weekend? Yes, I will be Fanboying it up there, too, on the Friday night!!!!