SomeGuy wrote:
NearWessSideHussra wrote:
:shock: , after getting are asses handed to us in both Iraq and Afghanistan, this doesn't seem like such a good idea.
Oh yeah, we took command and completely owned...the Green Zone.
Not even the mainstream media thinks we're leaving Afghanistan as victors. Some observers have pointed out that the bloody red Soviets left Afghanistan in early '89 under better circumstances than we are today...
All we did in Iraq is knock the lid off 8 centuries of a bloody feud between the shiites and sunnis that Sadaam (despite his Sunni background) actually did a pretty good job not lording it over the shiites and keeping things relatively civil (save for his own relatives) .
The shiites and sunnis need a dictator like Saddam--to keep them from slaughtering each other.
Qaeda claims wave of Iraq attacks
BAGHDAD: Al Qaeda’s front group in Iraq said on Friday that it carried out a wave of bombing and shooting attacks across the country that killed 42 people. The group said Thursday’s attacks, which hit six different provinces and left more than 250 people wounded, targeted security forces in response to “torture and killings against Sunnis”. “The government of the Green Zone ignored warnings to stop the torture and killings against Sunnis, and they did not show any readiness to respond to these warnings,” the statement posted on a militant forum said, in a derisive reference to the heavily fortified area where the Iraqi government is based. “In response to these crimes, the ministry of war of the Islamic State of Iraq launched a new wave of invasions through its security apparatus. “These operations took place simultaneously against targets chosen with precision, including security headquarters and military patrols which are part of the Safavid project.” Sunni insurgents often invoke Iran’s Safavid past, referring to the Shia dynasty that ruled Persia between the 16th and 18th centuries and conquered part of Iraq, when denouncing the Baghdad government, which they say is controlled by Iran.\02\25\story_25-2-2012_pg4_
So we took out a Western friendly dictator and handed Iraq over to shiites friendly to Iran's government? America, Fuck Yeah!