Alrighty, it's about that time of the decade when Microsoft decides to introduce a new OS, and subsequently another OS to fix the initial one.
I like going out on limbs, it makes for an exciting day, but I'm not sure if it's as good of an idea for Microsoft. They must have faith in their iOS design, because their basing 8 off of it. Which is interesting, because I'm pretty sure that a lot of people aren't even aware that Windows does indeed have a phone, but I digress.
Everything has become an app. Program is no longer a sexy word apparently
There is a Desktop still I think, it's just not the first thing you see. This will be the first thing you see:
It's all about inter-connectivity between your pc/tablet/phone using cloud services. Which I'm good with. I'm using OneNote and Visual Studio for my classes, and the fact that I never have to physically save my work is phenomenal. It's all automatically synced the second I make any changes, no matter which computer I'm using. That should be the same for word, access ect... Maybe it is, I haven't used those 'apps' in a while.
The information video featuring creepy smiley guy: ... r_embeddedThe beta might be available for public consumption, I'm not sure though...