!/the_ironsheik@the_ironsheik wrote:
Raffi Torres cheapest worse than mel gibson and the tiger woods wife
raffi torres cheaper than michael jackson sister and the virgil and the mother of the ultimate warrior #teamsheikie
Raffi Torres have to play cheap only because he mexican and mexican dont know how to play real way ask the @JoseCanseco #teamsheikie
Raffi Torres have no balls he no man he play cheap worse than mel gibson sister the dumb bitch #teamsheikie
Raffi Torres deserve to get cheap shot while he get raped by dead dog of the chris brown after he beat up cheap heat rhianna #teamshekie
Raffi Torres fuck ultimate warrior mom with paint on her face while he wear mask of the obama #teamsheikie
Raffi Torres have worse dog breath than the mexican @JoseCanseco they both need to cheap ass themself together till they die
the Raffi Torres i rape his dog while he choke on his own ass he deserve to get fucked old country way worse than michael jackson sister
Raffi Torres dirty fucking monkey mexican no good motherfucker cocksucker piece of garbage he play cheap worse than hitler and mel gibson