YOU CAN'T KEEP A GOOD MAN DOWN..........and evidently glenn beck too.
i remember when his show on CNN headline news started and he was just ho-hum.... then he found his niche as a watered down right-wing alex jones and steadily ramped up the schtick until even fox was like ".....ok dude" which plays into his followers thinking that the man got him or he was speaking too much truth to be allowed on a major cable news network, so now he's got his little channel 212 outpost on one of the satellite providers, much like his jaggy less-conspiratoral but more-formal lefty counterpart keith olbermann got on libTV, aka current network.
all of these cable news channel talking heads are complete works.... the lefty guy "big ed" schultz was originally a big pudgy righty up in nebraska or north dakota or wherever he comes from.... then over time he basically realized there's a total niche to literally be the liberal/lefty rush limbaugh and he dove into it, giving some hanky panky story about "seeing the light" and changing over to the democratic side of things. in reality, it was just a shrewd business move as the success of conservative talk-radio and later tv punditry meant that the inevitable democratic/liberal/lefty antithesis was coming, so he went out and got ahead of it and now he's a fixture on MSNBC.
ah well, god bless you guys who buy into the watered down conservative alex jones thing..... does glenn preach about FEMA death camps and try to get everyone buying gold to circumvent the inevitable collapse of the financial system (speaking of, my grandfather suddenly thinks there's gonna be a depression next year because someone on the right side hit him with a talking point like WHERE DOES ALL THIS MONEY COME FROM?!!?) and get your emergency 30-60 days of freeze-dried food ready in your bunker.... get some guns to fight off the roaming bands of pirates.... the end is nigh! cross the rubicon like that one dude..... fuck whats his name? ah well he's another peak oil the end is near guy. whatever.
long story short, i love how in today's contemporary society people faction up and basically decide that they're "enlightened" thanks to continued patronage of one television/news/channel as opposed to another one, whereas everyone else is "sheeple"... and then if you wanna transcend the bipartesian system and "go further down the rabbit hole" you can always get around to fearing the new world order and/or the illuminati. THE END IS NIGH!!! QUOTE BIBLE SCRIPTURES!!!!
nevermind that the "old world order" wasn't necessarily utopia, and like, if the pope is infallible and god's bottom bitch on earth, why does he have to travel around in a bulletproof pope mobile? what does that say about his faith? shrug. i love to tell people that the "new world order" is basically already here as all of the things that people fear (surveilance/police state, loss of rights, super-giant disparity between the haves and the have-nots) have basically been here.... and like, yeah, all this "economic crisis" is your corporate masters basically taking more of their cut on the tail end of ~30 years of "reaganomics" aka supply side economics aka <cartman> IMMA DO WHAT I WANT</cartman> cuz like.... shit.... when you have a country that had a ton of native industry for however long basically shit on tariffs until the 1980s when they went from like 30% to 2% and all of a sudden these american factories producing things have to compete with third world/chinese factories who are selling their same product at the price it costs for an american factory to produce it in the first place, there is no competition all the jobs are gonna go away and then with less jobs and a generally downward trend of the remaining jobs being unskilled clerkdom, when people have less and less money en masse obviously the economy's gonna take a hit, but hey, we'll just blame it on a president (reaganomics/obamacare/etc) because, you know, THE PRESIDENT IS SO GODDAMN IMPORTANT AS HE'S THE ONE MAN WHO HAS DIRECT CONTROL OVER THE FATE OF YOUR LIFE!!!! lol.
when just about everyone bitched about bush when it was en vogue circa 03-08, i would tell them that the president is merely the (brand-recognizing) hood ornament on the car that's running you over. there's countless working parts, but since we live in a secularly tribal cults of personality (sports teams, political parties, etc, as your freedom in this contemporary world of ours is being free to choose between coke and pepsi, nike or adidas, etc) you have to have a president who you focus all of your feelings on to the point where i've got relatives running around saying that the only way to save the country is to get romney in office NOW. lol.
it's kind of like that one thread right b4 conan got on TBS where someone asked if conan was about to change television as we know it, cuz now that he's away from NBC and he's got more lax rules and guidelines and precedents over on TBS will he go out and absolutely go for the jugular and give us edgy/edge-of-your-seat captivating tv that pushes the boundaries and limits?!?! PFFT. HELL NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 HE'S JUST GONNA HAVE ANOTHER FUCKING HOLLYWOOD-SALADTOSSING LATE NIGHT TALK SHOW YOU TWITS!!!
so now with the monied people and their cult of wannabes coached up by the massmedia to personally blame obama for everything, we've got people thinking that we're gonna save the damn country by getting a guy with BUSINESS EXPERIENCE in there!!! hell yeah!! get a guy in there who lost the company money whilst lining his pockets via all kinds of outsourcing, and we're clearly gonna "save" this country... lol. everything's fine, its just that everything on television, especially the "news" and "politics" is nothing more than entertainment to keep you satiated living life vicariously through the chosen few, be they athletes beautiful or simply entertainers of some sort, because your life is going to get increasingly and increasingly more docile and homeward bound as the upper echelon of the monied continue their quest to usurp as much $$$ as they can from the middle class until there's basically just rich people and the working poor, but hey, it won't be all bad cuz as time goes on gizmos and gadgets will get cheaper and cheaper so you'll be able to have a slick smartphone, a cable/satellite tv with a bunch of channels, and of course as much alcohol/drugs as you want to wash it all down. big picture you'll lose a lot of financial flexibility relative to your grand/parents, but hey, who needs that? you've got a cool phone flashy clothes and readily available/affordable intoxicants so like the british prepared to tell people in the wake of a proper german invasion: keep calm and carry on. all of this stuff is a show, a spectacle.... etc.
and glenn beck, to get back to the OP, is just another ringleader in the circus the barnum and ringling brothers called the greatest show on earth..... or you can listen to aceyalone's song called "the greatest show on earth" on youtube to get an idea... that's all it is. so yeah, i gotta LOL at JR here or anyone who thinks glenn beck is a hero..... pfft. he's an entertainer, but the best part is that it masquerades as "information" or "news' or "the truth" but in reality.... everything on tv is a simulation there to PROGRAM YOU into adhering to societal norms, customs, and ideas. it's an
electronic behaviorcontrol system and it works rather brilliantly, as you'll notice when you see people talking politics during election season. MY CHANNEL CAN BEAT UP YOUR CHANNEL. IT'S TRUTHIER THAN YOURS, STOP BEING ONE OF THE SHEEPLE AND TURN ON MY PREFERRED TALKING HEAD SO YOU CAN LEARN WHAT'S *REALLY* GOING ON. DUH.
strength in numbers; forever the #1 societal defense mechanism.
Curious Hair wrote:
Les Grobstein's huge hog is proof that God has a sense of humor, isn't it?