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PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 7:46 pm 
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Elmhurst Steve wrote:
Years ago we celebrated Lincoln's (Feb. 12th) and Washinton's (Also in February I believe) Birthdays. Then they condensed them and made it "Presidents Day" . Washington led the troops to victories that gave us the Freedom we enjoy today in this democratic nation. He also was of course our first President. pretty important historical figure. Abraham Lincoln was responsible for ending slavery while still keeping this country undivided. He is reguarded by many as the single best President in our nations history. Martin Luther King never held any public office. Never was a President, a Govenor, a Congressman, Senator or even Mayor. He marched and spoke about the equality he wanted for himself and others of color. Thats all....The 2 men who had their birthbays celebrated seperately before this holiday was declared were both greater men in history by far. This is not to say that MLK was insignificant. He is certainly a significant figure in history. But to call him the greatest man in history is ridiculous.

A great argument for MLK being the greatest American.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 7:48 pm 

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There is a Jesus speech about that too.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 7:52 pm 
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Terry's Peeps wrote:
Dr. King's dream has been realized today.

We are no longer separated by the color of our skin for the most part.

Now it's all about rich and poor.

Black or White..Rich or Poor same difference my educated friend :wink:

I'm going to bounce from the spot for awhile but I will be back at some point to argue with you about this hoops stuff again. Playoffs have been great this season. See ya up the road.

I'm out.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 7:52 pm 
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cpguy wrote:
Mini Ditka wrote:
Terry's Peeps wrote:
Dr. King's dream has been realized today.

We are no longer separated by the color of our skin for the most part.

Why do you think Barack Obama was elected? You don't think his skin color was the reason he was elected?

Obama strategically talked of "hope and change" and pulled it off, plus McCain then Romney were poor candidates. But yes, his election does validate MLK's vision for America.

It validates nothing. Affirmative action is everywhere including the white house. Obama didn't earn the spot as president with his experience. He didn't even finish a term in the Senate.

To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 7:55 pm 
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Joe Orr Road Rod wrote:
pittmike wrote:
As for JORR, you bring up the legacy thing a couple times but throughout the day it wasn't really in this discussion. I think it is a separate problem/issue really.

I bring it up simply to illustrate that everyone uses what they have. If you're a real good-looking guy, you use that to get laid. I have to use my charm.
In other words, you're celibate.


Proud member of the white guy grievance committee

It aint the six minutes. Its what happens in those six minutes.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 7:56 pm 
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sinicalypse wrote:
* puts the crack pipe down *

wasn't washington something like 0-13 in battles? i'm pretty damn sure he never led his troops to any victories, technically speaking.

If it means anything, the British, in a recent poll, named GW Britain's greatest enemy combatant.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 8:03 pm 
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Colonel Angus wrote:
sinicalypse wrote:
* puts the crack pipe down *

wasn't washington something like 0-13 in battles? i'm pretty damn sure he never led his troops to any victories, technically speaking.

If it means anything, the British, in a recent poll, named GW Britain's greatest enemy combatant.

I wouldve thought it was dentistry.

Proud member of the white guy grievance committee

It aint the six minutes. Its what happens in those six minutes.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 9:03 pm 
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badrogue17 wrote:
Joe Orr Road Rod wrote:
pittmike wrote:
As for JORR, you bring up the legacy thing a couple times but throughout the day it wasn't really in this discussion. I think it is a separate problem/issue really.

I bring it up simply to illustrate that everyone uses what they have. If you're a real good-looking guy, you use that to get laid. I have to use my charm.
In other words, you're celibate.


:lol: That's about right.

Freedom is our Strength.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 9:09 pm 
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Terry's Peeps wrote:
Dr. King's dream has been realized today.

We are no longer separated by the color of our skin for the most part.

Now it's all about rich and poor.

Excepting your last, largely correct remark, I wish the first two were the case.

I helped my grandfather sell his home on the South side a few years ago. On the title report was noted a racial restriction on property transfer. It holds no lingering authority, except to note that he needed to use a strawman to buy a 1960 Chicago. It wasn't until 5 years later that a majority of Blacks could escape the poll taxes & literacy tests of the south. Yet, three short months ago the national Republican party actively worked to suppress many of my southern & Ohioan family members votes.

Twenty-twenty five years ago it was still not exactly frowned upon for the CPD to use electric shock & telephone books to coerce quick/false confessions from Black "suspects" who didn't have any connection to the underlying crime. But today I still live in a city neighborhood where diversity in the police force would go a long way toward actually preventing crime....because many continue to wrongly believe that a test score & political connections make the current majority of officers actually "qualified" to serve in and/or protect in much of the city. In part because many of the historic prejudices held by many, many like to wrongly believe no longer exist, or are just come from raging hypocrites.

As a kid, there were neighborhoods I couldn't safely go into because of my color. Six-eight months ago a Black kid was shot & killed in a gated community for walking while wearing a hoodie in the rain and holding candy and a can of juice. I still have to remind my son that imo the Univ. of Chicago police are a bigger threat to him than 99.9% of the people he will encounter in Hyde Park. There are still neighborhoods where I can go, wearing a suit & still get harassed by the residents and police.

I still hold a lessening grudge against the Univ. of Illinois because a counselor ignored both my application info (as a 16 yr. old incoming freshman) and the placement test scores of one day earlier and tried to put me in remedial level courses. Even though I placed out of Calculus. Yeah, at the same school that experienced a Klan style cross burning at a Black frat house, mere days before my first day.

I watched a tenured professor at NW Law attempt to attack and subsequently have a Black man arrested because he didn't think he "belonged" on our campus. That he had a speech impediment and was attempting to pick up his wife didn't seem to matter even after the campus police explained the guy was ok. Oddly enough, that was on the same campus where almost to a man each Black student noted that if called up to be drafted (Gulf War), we would accept, but our wealthy classmates largely actively noted how they'd get deferments or go to Canada. And to think that included many members of the Federalist Society. :lol:

I've had police wrongfully pull guns on me twice, wrongfully identify me as a criminal defendant in court proceedings twice, because "we" still all look/are the same. Even watched with amusement two assistant state's attorneys try to reform the cops' testimony (in cases that completely relied upon eyewitness testimony).

Every so often the reports still come out and note that if a person comes from an "urban" :wink: neighborhood and has a certain kind of "ethnic" :wink: name, that person's job application and resume has a greater likelihood of being favor of less "qualified" candidates for the job. :!: But, those studies are routinely ignored. I still believe that there are still many glass ceilings most hard working people of all races cannot pierce, but especially Blacks.

I still come to sites like this, continue to hear the tired, whorish & faulty arguments about Blacks, Black communities and qualifications for us to be judged as qualified, or of some of our greatest even be qualified as "great". Hell, I heard the guy sitting in for drug abusing Rush Limbaugh call the POTUS' address as being of an eighth grade level. I read with some bemusement the racist screeches of several and think that their fears are like James Baldwin once noted, real in their hearts because they are illogically fearful of that which vengeful Blacks or other coloreds would do to them...if only because they realize that they, their fathers or grandfathers acted in that same horrible way....because it was ok, at least since they were Black.

Things haven't changed nearly enough, not in my opinion.

There are only two examples of infinity: The universe and human stupidity and I'm not sure about the universe.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 9:16 pm 
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chaspoppcap wrote:
Elmhurst Steve wrote:
chaspoppcap wrote:
Elmhurst Steve wrote:
Years ago we celebrated Lincoln's (Feb. 12th) and Washinton's (Also in February I believe) Birthdays. Then they condensed them and made it "Presidents Day" . Washington led the troops to victories that gave us the Freedom we enjoy today in this democratic nation. He also was of course our first President. pretty important historical figure. Abraham Lincoln was responsible for ending slavery while still keeping this country undivided. He is reguarded by many as the single best President in our nations history. Martin Luthor King never held any public office. Never was a President, a Govenor, a Congressman, Senator or even Mayor. He marched and spoke about the equality he wanted for himself and others of color. Thats all....The 2 men who had their birthbays celebrated seperately before this holiday was declared were both greater men in history by far. This is not to say that MLK was insignificant. He is certainly a significant figure in history. But to call him the greatest man in history is ridiculous.

Steve,once again you are wrong. Washington's win-loss was pretty fucked up.

When were any won/loss stats brought up. He was the General of our army and First President....The "Father of our Country" (appologies to Shawn Kemp). I don't remember receiting any won/loss figures....this isn't a Cy Young vote we are talking about. I don't see how I am wrong about something I never even brought up. :roll:

You did right there jackass.

I thought it was wrong when someone sinks to name calling?

Good people drink good beer - Hunter S. Thompson


Waiting for the time when I can finally say
That this has all been wonderful, but now I'm on my way

PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 9:18 pm 

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i agree with regular reader on a lot. i went to lane tech late 70's early 80's. i know what i experienced as a west side kid traveling to the north side. they made it plain from day 1.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 11:50 pm 
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Keeping Score wrote:
Elmhurst Steve wrote:
Terry's Peeps wrote:
Mini Ditka wrote:

Why do you think Barack Obama was elected? You don't think his skin color was the reason he was elected?

Not totally.

It certainly wasn't the reason I voted for him


He was the best candidate for the position. He has at least one thing in common with Martin Luther king. He too is an exceptional speaker. After Bush, the contrast was staggering.

Go Cubs!!!!

PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 7:49 am 
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Elmhurst Steve wrote:
So don't let a rich kid/legacy into a school that doesn't have the needed grades/scores either. 2 wrongs don't make a right. The kid that had a 3.6 GPA that got passed over by one with a 3.2 that happened to be Puerto Rican....what about that kid? It should only be based on qualifications.....Okay, the rich kid is still getting in, if the donation is big enough. But again, what about the more qualified student that gets passed over because someone less deserving got his/her spot due to their ethnic background? Or do you just say, Well they do that thing that is wrong, so doing this wrong thing is to be excused?

That's just it, Steve. How could you think it was "wrong" to grant an opportunity to someone who goes on to become a Supreme Court Justice? Affirmative action worked.

Here's the thing about Republicans and rich guys. They pay a lot of lip to service to certain "values", e.g. hard work, intelligence, education. They'll often tell a poor person, "If you go to school and work hard, one day you can have something for yourself." They don't usually mention their own head start or any breaks they got along the way.

And here we have two people, and I'm just using them as examples. If you don't agree with my characterizations of them, you can pick better ones, because, believe me, they are out there. Here we have Sonia Sotomayor and George W. Bush. Nobody has ever accused Bush of being an intellectual. I'm not saying the man is stupid, but he is certainly not known as a great thinker.

Bush was born to great wealth and power and was sent to boarding school at Phillips Academy where he did enough to get by. He skated through Yale, fucking around in Skull & Bones and drinking a whole lot. I'm not sure when his drug usage began. Anyway, he eventually worked hard enough to become president.

Sotomayor was a Puerto Rican kid from New York. English was her second language. She went to ordinary public schools and did enough to get into Princeton with a little help, i.e. affirmative action.

Now, are you really going to sit there and tell me that George W. Bush was more deserving of his Ivy League opportunity than Sonia Sotomayor? That he is smarter? That he worked harder?

The point isn't that neither one "deserved" what they got, but that both did. Everybody faces obstacles and everybody gets breaks. Sotomayor and Bush had different obstacles and got different breaks.

I'm sure you got a few breaks too, Steve. Do you think you don't deserve what you have?

Freedom is our Strength.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 9:45 am 
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Regular Reader wrote:
Terry's Peeps wrote:
Dr. King's dream has been realized today.

We are no longer separated by the color of our skin for the most part.

Now it's all about rich and poor.

Excepting your last, largely correct remark, I wish the first two were the case.

I helped my grandfather sell his home on the South side a few years ago. On the title report was noted a racial restriction on property transfer. It holds no lingering authority, except to note that he needed to use a strawman to buy a 1960 Chicago. It wasn't until 5 years later that a majority of Blacks could escape the poll taxes & literacy tests of the south. Yet, three short months ago the national Republican party actively worked to suppress many of my southern & Ohioan family members votes.

Twenty-twenty five years ago it was still not exactly frowned upon for the CPD to use electric shock & telephone books to coerce quick/false confessions from Black "suspects" who didn't have any connection to the underlying crime. But today I still live in a city neighborhood where diversity in the police force would go a long way toward actually preventing crime....because many continue to wrongly believe that a test score & political connections make the current majority of officers actually "qualified" to serve in and/or protect in much of the city. In part because many of the historic prejudices held by many, many like to wrongly believe no longer exist, or are just come from raging hypocrites.

As a kid, there were neighborhoods I couldn't safely go into because of my color. Six-eight months ago a Black kid was shot & killed in a gated community for walking while wearing a hoodie in the rain and holding candy and a can of juice. I still have to remind my son that imo the Univ. of Chicago police are a bigger threat to him than 99.9% of the people he will encounter in Hyde Park. There are still neighborhoods where I can go, wearing a suit & still get harassed by the residents and police.

I still hold a lessening grudge against the Univ. of Illinois because a counselor ignored both my application info (as a 16 yr. old incoming freshman) and the placement test scores of one day earlier and tried to put me in remedial level courses. Even though I placed out of Calculus. Yeah, at the same school that experienced a Klan style cross burning at a Black frat house, mere days before my first day.

I watched a tenured professor at NW Law attempt to attack and subsequently have a Black man arrested because he didn't think he "belonged" on our campus. That he had a speech impediment and was attempting to pick up his wife didn't seem to matter even after the campus police explained the guy was ok. Oddly enough, that was on the same campus where almost to a man each Black student noted that if called up to be drafted (Gulf War), we would accept, but our wealthy classmates largely actively noted how they'd get deferments or go to Canada. And to think that included many members of the Federalist Society. :lol:

I've had police wrongfully pull guns on me twice, wrongfully identify me as a criminal defendant in court proceedings twice, because "we" still all look/are the same. Even watched with amusement two assistant state's attorneys try to reform the cops' testimony (in cases that completely relied upon eyewitness testimony).

Every so often the reports still come out and note that if a person comes from an "urban" :wink: neighborhood and has a certain kind of "ethnic" :wink: name, that person's job application and resume has a greater likelihood of being favor of less "qualified" candidates for the job. :!: But, those studies are routinely ignored. I still believe that there are still many glass ceilings most hard working people of all races cannot pierce, but especially Blacks.

I still come to sites like this, continue to hear the tired, whorish & faulty arguments about Blacks, Black communities and qualifications for us to be judged as qualified, or of some of our greatest even be qualified as "great". Hell, I heard the guy sitting in for drug abusing Rush Limbaugh call the POTUS' address as being of an eighth grade level. I read with some bemusement the racist screeches of several and think that their fears are like James Baldwin once noted, real in their hearts because they are illogically fearful of that which vengeful Blacks or other coloreds would do to them...if only because they realize that they, their fathers or grandfathers acted in that same horrible way....because it was ok, at least since they were Black.

Things haven't changed nearly enough, not in my opinion.

I don't know if you have seen the movie Lincoln. In the first scene Lincoln is discussing things with troops. Included in this group are two black soldiers, one who seems happy with the progress achieved in his lifetime and the other who decries the lack of equality that still exists. It struck me that both were correct.

As the scene continues, Lincoln never really responds to the complaints of the soldier. I took his slight smile to be an understanding that the soldier was correct in his statements but at the same time an acknowledgement that the soldier will not see what he is asking for in his lifetime.

Social change occurs in baby steps unless there is a revolution. The revolution does not have to be bloody nor completely destructive. I think many saw Obama as the focal point of a revolution. He pretty much campaigned on fostering that belief. Unfortunately, and for a number of reasons, the revolution didn't/hasn't occurred. So we continue to take baby steps.

You are certainly within your rights to curse the darkness but there are plenty of points of light (irony intended) that give hope for the future. Things are progressing socially. You saw the active courting of the AA vote over the past two elections AND the beginning of a donative mindset in the community (the importance of this cannot be understated). The next election will be a full on rush towards the minority vote. Justice is not moving at an acceptable speed but I think we have lost our most recent opportunity at a fast forward.

O judgment! Thou art fled to brutish beasts,
And men have lost their reason.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 10:38 am 
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Regular Reader wrote:
Things haven't changed nearly enough, not in my opinion.
Thanks for sharing.

While not on the same level, about a year ago I had a story that really put things in perspective. I was with a group of people at a bar/dance club and we were all having a good time. Towards the end of the night, a black friend went to the bar and ordered two drinks and he paid with a $20. He left with the drinks and all of a sudden two bouncers come up to him and start hassling him for failing to pay for the drinks. He clearly did because he does very well with his job and he's not just trying to get a couple free overpriced drinks. Things calm down a little bit and we eventually decide to just get out of there since it kind of ruined the fun.

My first thought was what would have happened if it had been me instead. Would it even have happened? I'd like to hope that he wasn't profiled but it wouldn't surprise me at all. If he wasn't profiled, it still sucks that when an incident like that happens he has to question whether he was. He seemed to take it in stride but that's a tough burden to be dealing with.

That is why it gets me mad that people can be intentionally ignorant. I don't pretend to know what it is like but it seems pretty obvious to me that MLK helped bridge the gap between black people and everyone else more than anyone and it is one of the greatest achievements in American history. It's not close to finished but it's a lot better than it would be if he hadn't accomplished what he did.

You do not talk to me like that! I work too hard to deal with this stuff! I work too hard! I'm an important member of the CSFMB! I drive a Dodge Stratus!

PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 11:01 am 
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Regular Reader wrote:
Terry's Peeps wrote:
Dr. King's dream has been realized today.

We are no longer separated by the color of our skin for the most part.

Now it's all about rich and poor.

Excepting your last, largely correct remark, I wish the first two were the case.

I helped my grandfather sell his home on the South side a few years ago. On the title report was noted a racial restriction on property transfer. It holds no lingering authority, except to note that he needed to use a strawman to buy a 1960 Chicago. It wasn't until 5 years later that a majority of Blacks could escape the poll taxes & literacy tests of the south. Yet, three short months ago the national Republican party actively worked to suppress many of my southern & Ohioan family members votes.

Twenty-twenty five years ago it was still not exactly frowned upon for the CPD to use electric shock & telephone books to coerce quick/false confessions from Black "suspects" who didn't have any connection to the underlying crime. But today I still live in a city neighborhood where diversity in the police force would go a long way toward actually preventing crime....because many continue to wrongly believe that a test score & political connections make the current majority of officers actually "qualified" to serve in and/or protect in much of the city. In part because many of the historic prejudices held by many, many like to wrongly believe no longer exist, or are just come from raging hypocrites.

As a kid, there were neighborhoods I couldn't safely go into because of my color. Six-eight months ago a Black kid was shot & killed in a gated community for walking while wearing a hoodie in the rain and holding candy and a can of juice. I still have to remind my son that imo the Univ. of Chicago police are a bigger threat to him than 99.9% of the people he will encounter in Hyde Park. There are still neighborhoods where I can go, wearing a suit & still get harassed by the residents and police.

I still hold a lessening grudge against the Univ. of Illinois because a counselor ignored both my application info (as a 16 yr. old incoming freshman) and the placement test scores of one day earlier and tried to put me in remedial level courses. Even though I placed out of Calculus. Yeah, at the same school that experienced a Klan style cross burning at a Black frat house, mere days before my first day.

I watched a tenured professor at NW Law attempt to attack and subsequently have a Black man arrested because he didn't think he "belonged" on our campus. That he had a speech impediment and was attempting to pick up his wife didn't seem to matter even after the campus police explained the guy was ok. Oddly enough, that was on the same campus where almost to a man each Black student noted that if called up to be drafted (Gulf War), we would accept, but our wealthy classmates largely actively noted how they'd get deferments or go to Canada. And to think that included many members of the Federalist Society. :lol:

I've had police wrongfully pull guns on me twice, wrongfully identify me as a criminal defendant in court proceedings twice, because "we" still all look/are the same. Even watched with amusement two assistant state's attorneys try to reform the cops' testimony (in cases that completely relied upon eyewitness testimony).

Every so often the reports still come out and note that if a person comes from an "urban" :wink: neighborhood and has a certain kind of "ethnic" :wink: name, that person's job application and resume has a greater likelihood of being favor of less "qualified" candidates for the job. :!: But, those studies are routinely ignored. I still believe that there are still many glass ceilings most hard working people of all races cannot pierce, but especially Blacks.

I still come to sites like this, continue to hear the tired, whorish & faulty arguments about Blacks, Black communities and qualifications for us to be judged as qualified, or of some of our greatest even be qualified as "great". Hell, I heard the guy sitting in for drug abusing Rush Limbaugh call the POTUS' address as being of an eighth grade level. I read with some bemusement the racist screeches of several and think that their fears are like James Baldwin once noted, real in their hearts because they are illogically fearful of that which vengeful Blacks or other coloreds would do to them...if only because they realize that they, their fathers or grandfathers acted in that same horrible way....because it was ok, at least since they were Black.

Things haven't changed nearly enough, not in my opinion.

It's posts like these that--at least in my mind--make you a clear Hall of Fame poster on this board. You have a wonderful talent for blending personal anecdotes with larger political points.

I would like to add to your personal accounts that the strategies for achieving a racial hierarchy in this country haven't been abandoned-- they've just changed names. It's no coincidence that Richard Nixon's "War on Crime" (expanded as the "War on Drugs" by Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton) began at a time when the U.S. was undergoing enormous social upheaval that threatened to become a political revolution. Under Nixon, the tactics of CoIntelPro were expanded to create a massive system of surveillance and imprisonment that criminalized and disenfranchised the black urban working class, thereby squelching its revolutionary power and resituating racist discourse within a "neutral" ideological framework so as to make its counterrevolutionary and white supremacist agenda acceptable to white liberal America. In many ways, the illusion of racial progress is a function of white acquiescence to the prison-industrial complex.

Antonio Gramsci wrote:
The crisis consists precisely in the fact that the old is dying and the new cannot be born; in this interregnum a great variety of morbid symptoms appear.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 11:02 am 
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Boilermaker Rick wrote:

My first thought was what would have happened if it had been me instead. .

a half an hour argument would have ensued

O judgment! Thou art fled to brutish beasts,
And men have lost their reason.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 11:05 am 
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While I hope it's obvious that my comments certainly weren't directed at either of you (Dolphin/Brick/Midget) nor many, many here, I sincerely appreciate and/or agree with each of your honest remarks. Thanks.

There are only two examples of infinity: The universe and human stupidity and I'm not sure about the universe.

Last edited by Regular Reader on Tue Jan 22, 2013 11:06 am, edited 1 time in total.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 11:05 am 
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good dolphin wrote:
Boilermaker Rick wrote:

My first thought was what would have happened if it had been me instead. .

a half an hour argument would have ensued


"He is a loathsome, offensive brute
--yet I can't look away."

Frank Coztansa wrote:
I have MANY years of experience in trying to appreciate steaming piles of dogshit.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 11:13 am 
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Regular Reader wrote:
While I hope it's obvious that my comments certainly weren't directed at either of you (Dolphin/Brick/Midget) nor many, many here, I sincerely appreciate and/or agree with each of your honest remarks. Thanks.

We don't have to agree with your baseball thoughts do we? I wouldn't want it going to far.


10 More Wins

PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 11:18 am 
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Regular Reader wrote:
While I hope it's obvious that my comments certainly weren't directed at either of you (Dolphin/Brick/Midget) nor many, many here, I sincerely appreciate and/or agree with each of your honest remarks. Thanks.
Am I also Dolphin or Midget? :lol:

I know they weren't directed at me. However, I'm sure I've failed to correctly gauge what it is like for a minority with my thoughts before.

You do not talk to me like that! I work too hard to deal with this stuff! I work too hard! I'm an important member of the CSFMB! I drive a Dodge Stratus!

PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 11:23 am 
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Regular Reader wrote:
While I hope it's obvious that my comments certainly weren't directed at either of you (Dolphin/Brick/Midget) nor many, many here, I sincerely appreciate and/or agree with each of your honest remarks. Thanks.

I don't think they are directed at me but they are meant for all of us, including AA. There is a lack of participation in the drive for social justice and it is all of our obligation to be involved.

O judgment! Thou art fled to brutish beasts,
And men have lost their reason.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 11:28 am 
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Hawg Ass wrote:
We don't have to agree with your baseball thoughts do we? I wouldn't want it going to far.


Has the Arkansas baseball coach followed AR precedent, gotten caught in scandal and been properly forced out yet? Ruining yet another season?

No? Then don't worry about agreeing with me! :lol:

There are only two examples of infinity: The universe and human stupidity and I'm not sure about the universe.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 11:29 am 
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Boilermaker Rick wrote:
Regular Reader wrote:
While I hope it's obvious that my comments certainly weren't directed at either of you (Dolphin/Brick/Midget) nor many, many here, I sincerely appreciate and/or agree with each of your honest remarks. Thanks.
Am I also Dolphin or Midget? :lol:

I know they weren't directed at me. However, I'm sure I've failed to correctly gauge what it is like for a minority with my thoughts before.

Edit only one small part of a post, and look what you get.... :oops: :lol:

There are only two examples of infinity: The universe and human stupidity and I'm not sure about the universe.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 11:31 am 
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Regular Reader wrote:
Hawg Ass wrote:
We don't have to agree with your baseball thoughts do we? I wouldn't want it going to far.


Has the Arkansas baseball coach followed AR precedent, gotten caught in scandal and been properly forced out yet? Ruining yet another season?

No? Then don't worry about agreeing with me! :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 11:37 am 
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I am a minority on this message board because of the sports teams I root for. So I think that I have a very unique perspective on the struggles of Boilermaker Rick's friend. I am definitely down with that mighty struggle.


PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 3:50 pm 
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Regular Reader wrote:
Terry's Peeps wrote:
Dr. King's dream has been realized today.

We are no longer separated by the color of our skin for the most part.

Now it's all about rich and poor.

Excepting your last, largely correct remark, I wish the first two were the case.

I helped my grandfather sell his home on the South side a few years ago. On the title report was noted a racial restriction on property transfer. It holds no lingering authority, except to note that he needed to use a strawman to buy a 1960 Chicago. It wasn't until 5 years later that a majority of Blacks could escape the poll taxes & literacy tests of the south. Yet, three short months ago the national Republican party actively worked to suppress many of my southern & Ohioan family members votes.

Twenty-twenty five years ago it was still not exactly frowned upon for the CPD to use electric shock & telephone books to coerce quick/false confessions from Black "suspects" who didn't have any connection to the underlying crime. But today I still live in a city neighborhood where diversity in the police force would go a long way toward actually preventing crime....because many continue to wrongly believe that a test score & political connections make the current majority of officers actually "qualified" to serve in and/or protect in much of the city. In part because many of the historic prejudices held by many, many like to wrongly believe no longer exist, or are just come from raging hypocrites.

As a kid, there were neighborhoods I couldn't safely go into because of my color. Six-eight months ago a Black kid was shot & killed in a gated community for walking while wearing a hoodie in the rain and holding candy and a can of juice. I still have to remind my son that imo the Univ. of Chicago police are a bigger threat to him than 99.9% of the people he will encounter in Hyde Park. There are still neighborhoods where I can go, wearing a suit & still get harassed by the residents and police.

I still hold a lessening grudge against the Univ. of Illinois because a counselor ignored both my application info (as a 16 yr. old incoming freshman) and the placement test scores of one day earlier and tried to put me in remedial level courses. Even though I placed out of Calculus. Yeah, at the same school that experienced a Klan style cross burning at a Black frat house, mere days before my first day.

I watched a tenured professor at NW Law attempt to attack and subsequently have a Black man arrested because he didn't think he "belonged" on our campus. That he had a speech impediment and was attempting to pick up his wife didn't seem to matter even after the campus police explained the guy was ok. Oddly enough, that was on the same campus where almost to a man each Black student noted that if called up to be drafted (Gulf War), we would accept, but our wealthy classmates largely actively noted how they'd get deferments or go to Canada. And to think that included many members of the Federalist Society. :lol:

I've had police wrongfully pull guns on me twice, wrongfully identify me as a criminal defendant in court proceedings twice, because "we" still all look/are the same. Even watched with amusement two assistant state's attorneys try to reform the cops' testimony (in cases that completely relied upon eyewitness testimony).

Every so often the reports still come out and note that if a person comes from an "urban" :wink: neighborhood and has a certain kind of "ethnic" :wink: name, that person's job application and resume has a greater likelihood of being favor of less "qualified" candidates for the job. :!: But, those studies are routinely ignored. I still believe that there are still many glass ceilings most hard working people of all races cannot pierce, but especially Blacks.

I still come to sites like this, continue to hear the tired, whorish & faulty arguments about Blacks, Black communities and qualifications for us to be judged as qualified, or of some of our greatest even be qualified as "great". Hell, I heard the guy sitting in for drug abusing Rush Limbaugh call the POTUS' address as being of an eighth grade level. I read with some bemusement the racist screeches of several and think that their fears are like James Baldwin once noted, real in their hearts because they are illogically fearful of that which vengeful Blacks or other coloreds would do to them...if only because they realize that they, their fathers or grandfathers acted in that same horrible way....because it was ok, at least since they were Black.

Things haven't changed nearly enough, not in my opinion.

I don't always agree with you but I love reading your thoughts on race and political issues. Probably the best thread I read on this board was your personal account of Hurricane Katrina.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 4:12 pm 
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I would absolutely enjoy having a cup of coffee with the great and legendary Regular Reader, soon to be elected into the 2013 class of The Chicago Sports Fan Message Board Hall of Fame. He is a very old man, but he is very wise indeed.


PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 4:18 pm 
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stoneroses86 wrote:
I would absolutely enjoy having a cup of coffee with the great and legendary Regular Reader, soon to be elected into the 2013 class of The Chicago Sports Fan Message Board Hall of Fame. He is a very old man, but he is very wise indeed.

:lol: Laugh-out-loud

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 4:20 pm 
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Regular Reader wrote:
I helped my grandfather sell his home on the South side a few years ago. On the title report was noted a racial restriction on property transfer. It holds no lingering authority, except to note that he needed to use a strawman to buy a 1960 Chicago.

Quite a thing right here. Did you consider keeping this or some other document indicating the same? Interesting piece of history that I find embarrassing and inspiring. It sucked, but he still got the home. That was no small feat. Good for him.

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