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PostPosted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 3:45 pm 
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Boyd and I stopped by last Saturday for a bit...Billy was not yet there, but we wanted to check out the stuff.
We then went to the bar down the street. I knew he'd show up, but I didn't expect he'd have gifts?!?!

The guy that wrote this article (Geo) is a nut-ball when it comes to collecting . Pretty much all of the stuff he is describing is his. I know a few of these guys (Matt, Greg, Linda, Geo) and they put my obsessed fan-dom to shame. These crazies carry the torch so I don't have to. ... ame-zuzus/

It's a nice article...
But, I would guess there were only 40-50 people that passed through during the day.

spaulding wrote:
Also if you fuck someone like they are a millionaire they might go try to be one.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 9:50 am 
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Which one of you guys contacted Geo?

spaulding wrote:
Also if you fuck someone like they are a millionaire they might go try to be one.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 10:00 am 
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sometimes I think Doug is Billy's PR guy

PostPosted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 10:26 am 
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Bagels wrote:
sometimes I think Doug is Billy's PR guy

Sometimes I think Doug IS Billy.

drinky wrote:
If you hate Laurence, then don't listen - don't comment. When he co-hosts the B&B show, take that day off ... listen to an old podcast of a Bernstein solo show and jerk off all day.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 10:45 am 
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whoa.... i can't picture what would go through somebody's head to draw that.

i reckon i'm similar to the corganites in that my musical hero comes from the 90s as well, aphex twin. and yeah i'm a nerdy fan.... but like, drawing some weird picture of his face all intense? yikes.

still tho, smoke 'em if you got 'em. seems like it was a good time for everyone involved.

Curious Hair wrote:
Les Grobstein's huge hog is proof that God has a sense of humor, isn't it?

PostPosted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 10:46 am 
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sinicalypse wrote:

whoa.... i can't picture what would go through somebody's head to draw that.

i reckon i'm similar to the corganites in that my musical hero comes from the 90s as well, aphex twin. and yeah i'm a nerdy fan.... but like, drawing some weird picture of his face all intense? yikes.

still tho, smoke 'em if you got 'em. seems like it was a good time for everyone involved.

Looks more like Billy Zane.

drinky wrote:
If you hate Laurence, then don't listen - don't comment. When he co-hosts the B&B show, take that day off ... listen to an old podcast of a Bernstein solo show and jerk off all day.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 2:24 pm 
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It looks like Billy Bob Thorton in Slingblade.

spaulding wrote:
Also if you fuck someone like they are a millionaire they might go try to be one.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 2:39 pm 
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As luck would have it, the artist just titled it 'Billy'. Who knows who his real muse was....

drinky wrote:
If you hate Laurence, then don't listen - don't comment. When he co-hosts the B&B show, take that day off ... listen to an old podcast of a Bernstein solo show and jerk off all day.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 4:46 pm 
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hey doug, real talk here... how well have you gotten to know billy corgan over the years? have you ever had that dreaded conversation with him outside/at a bar where you're kind of fan faced and all "uhhh how's the tour going?"

i had that with aceyalone in 2008. i buy a ticket to a show his night, pop around the corner of milwaukee (double door) and there he is right there just kind of chillin smokin a bd (india indian 1/2 and 1/2) and i'm literally like "oh shit, am i trippin?"

i reckon dude's used to it (cuz on the overground circuit like billy's been, you're beyond prepared to deal with en masse adulation.... but if you're someone underground like aceyalone it's not as often (on the calicomm 2004 tour dvd he's with ab rude and myka in kansas or something and going into a vienna beef joint and the employees are asking why the cameras and everyone was like "oh.... him? that's jay-z" and lulz ensue.

in my case, i got the colbert picture and then went off to go drink and smoke, as i acknowledged such. i didnt stick around to get my LPs autographed later (despite being told to by the merch guys) cuz i had work in the morning. my priorities shall never be so out of balance in the future

Curious Hair wrote:
Les Grobstein's huge hog is proof that God has a sense of humor, isn't it?

PostPosted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 5:17 pm 
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Well, I have had a bit of a unique experience....I guess.

The company I work for does a lot of projects with high end Landscape Architects (L.A.) that design and maintain the gardens and lawns of the north shore elite. Lake Bluff, Lake Forest, Highland Park, Winnetka, Wilmette, Kenilworth, etc...(aka the Dr. Ken's of the world). Oftentimes they need us for survey work and grading and drainage design.

Anyway, we were contacted for a project and it just happened to be Billy's home. I went to his place twice for site meetings/walks with the rest of the design professionals but never met him. However, I had been to multiple shows over the years (close to the stage) so, there were moments of recognition. Like, I know that he knows...that I see the band perform whenever they are in the area. I've received the "finger point" or "head-nod" acknowledgement at Metro shows.

I chased him down outside of Wrigley Field before the Paul McCartney show in 2011 and shook his hand, but aside from that...there wasn't any interaction other than what I described above.

When he opened his Tea House in Highland Park last October, Rachel and I went. Saw him perform. I asked if he was taking requests, he shot me down...

After he was done...we were in a prime position to talk to him as he walked out the door. I mentioned that I designed the storm sewer in his back yard, name dropped people from the design team. I immediately noticed that I had his attention now. It wasn't just a fanboy thing anymore. I never really wanted to talk music with him....everybody does that. I wanted to talk about other things...and we did, but briefly about the improvements to his yard. I'm more interested in the technical aspect of his gear and approach than saying how much I love the "Rat in a Cage Song"...
Rachel was snapping pix like crazy and we did the posing pick. He was genuinely cool. He is cool...he just deals with a lot of criticism, deserved or not.

Anyway, told him we'd see him/them in a couple of weeks. A couple of weeks later, we had the VIP at the Allstate Arena and I took video of their songs and the Q&A, asked a question, etc...

I tweet him from time to time...he's shared/retweet one or two. The bass player Nicole and drummer Mike have an idea of who I am via show attendance and twitter.

A week or so ago was the one year anniversary of the Tea House opening. Rachel and I went, but left early. I saw Billy as we were walking out, said hello and he said. "Oh!,'s it going?" Again, a little recognition, but pretty minor compared the people I mentioned above.

So...gotten to know him? Not really. I'd like to though. Just play guitars for a few hours...wouldn't even have to talk.

spaulding wrote:
Also if you fuck someone like they are a millionaire they might go try to be one.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 11, 2013 7:32 am 
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I don't follow him at all but just from the little snippets I have heard of him he seems like a cock, but I don't really care either way.

O judgment! Thou art fled to brutish beasts,
And men have lost their reason.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 11, 2013 10:42 am 
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doug - evergreen park wrote:
Well, I have had a bit of a unique experience....I guess.


So...gotten to know him? Not really. I'd like to though. Just play guitars for a few hours...wouldn't even have to talk.

ha, i can totally relate to that story. after i met acey b4 his june 08 show, he ended up doing his set absurdly early (i think 88 keys went b4 him, then large professor and dilated after him?) and at the end of it when he was done and getting his applause he gave me the finger point and ran up for a high five before departing the set. when there's a quality rap show on stage i reckon i know how to "represent" --- hell, there's one time where my old friend brian (the venerable robust) was doing an in-store at whatever that hiphoppy clothing store is on ashland just north of milwaukee.... and while he was running late some trio was up there killing time doing their show, so in the spirit of providing the best atmosphere possible (there's gotta be a fundamental irony of saying that in relation to white rappers =) i was standing near the front into the music hands in the air like htey aint had to tell me.... and they ended up pointing me out like MAN Y'ALL SEE THIS GUY?!? THAT'S HOW YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO ACT AT A RAP SHOW....GET HYPE! they then invited me up on stage to freestyle, which i did up until robust walked through the door and seemed very genuinely surprised to walk into a place with me rapping up on stage. this is natural, of course, cuz during my very early days of freestyling he told me "don't make a rap album. everyone and their mom raps nowadays.... if you wrote a book i'd read it"

incidentally, i've heard "if you wrote a book i'd read it" so many times that might as well be the name of my first mixtape (early 2014! get hype!) at this rate.

acey indeed remembered me and would go on to listen to a handful of "tracks" i recorded in 08, giving solid rap advice. shit, i can remember sitting on the bus exchanging twitter DMs with acey on the way to my DUI outpatient sessions, tho he eventually blocked me when i cracked a joke that some twitter "ranking" service rated vanilla ice as better than him. proclivities of an artist i suppose..... but a year or so later he got over that and still follows me to this day.... he's invited me to record a song for a project blowed weed smoking mixtape, but i had quit smoking by then and hit what he's termed as "the freestyler's curse" in that when you toss me a beat i can actually rap off the cuff, but i can't write a song to save my life. anyone who's heard my shit would prolly be in some level of agreement with that diagnosis.

hell, and last year he was claiming that there'd be a special @sinicalypse6 freestyle set @ a haiku d'etat show in chicago.... the problem was that i already had a trip booked out to new york. i never really followed up to see if he was joking or anything, but much like you said it's a bucket list thing to freestyle with aceyalone b4 it's all said and done.... don't need a stage or anything, so hey who knows maybe i'll troll around the venue a few hours earlier and see if fate has another chance metting in the books.... cuz holy shit, i forgot to mention that there's a funny little subplot to meeting acey in june 08...

back in the summer of 06 i saw acey tour with rjd2 on the magnificent city (LP) tour. after the show i was hanging out up front dead center talking to rjd2. i asked him why acey didn't do "the takeoff" live and he chuckled and said "he doesn't have the breath to do that one out of studio.... he smokes too much" so i'm like "ohhhh man how much weed does aceyalone smoke in an average day on tour?" and he chuckled and replied "i don't smoke weed"

the hilarious backdrop to all this is that while we're talking we're doing it continually being interrupted by a line of bearded white kids in new balance shoes walking up to say "rj, dude, i just wanted to say that you inspire me so much man... i make beats and i wouldn't be doing that right now if it wasn't for you" and rj is professional enough to be used to that sort of adulation, although the str8up queue of people lined up to say "OMFG RJ YOU INSPIREME SO MUCH" was downright hilarious.

so when he was done unhooking the cables up front on the stage, i was asking him something else about acey and he said "ha, dude, why don't you just ask him yourself?" and he motioned over to one of the bouncers to give him a piece of paper and he wrote down something like "this guy is cool to chill backstage with us - rj" and pointed me out to the bouncer and said "come on back and meet him"

the problem was that my friend, who drove us to the metro that night, had been struggling with the then-recent 100% revocation of smoking privileges in bars/venues. you used to be able to go downstairs to the smart bar and smoke, but now you had to wait til the show was over to go outside. my friend wanted a cigarette. i showed him the de-facto VIP pass and said that we've got a chance to go backstage and chill with acey, to which he replied "i'm sorry dude, but i've been here for ~3 hours and i need a cigarette and that means we gotta go, so we gotta go. i'm so sorry dude, but you're gonna have to meet aceyalone next time"

i didn't challenge him, probably anticipating the whole fanfaced "uhhh how's the tour going?" nightmare i had when i did in fact meet him next time, which makes it a wonderfully roundabout way to tell this story. then again, i'm not going to campaign to acey on twitter all OMFG DUDE WE GOTTA MEET UP B4 THE SHOW AND FREE cuz you gotta have a modicum of style and at least act like you've been in the endzone b4.... cuz i aint trying to stunt so i can always namedrop "I GOT TO FREESTYLE WITH ACEYALONE YO".... i mean, shit, i can always namedrop the whole "acey's been willing to listen to my songs/frees over the years and give me quality advice" thing and that works out for me.

all in all, ^^^^that^^^^ experience readied me for meeting my 3rd favorite musician of all time, the mighty ceephax acid crew, in 2001. the gig was @ some arthouse on morgan in the 30s (the co-prosperity sphere) and since it was in informal venue the $2/each cans of ice cold PBR were a-flowin and since he was hanging out in the crowd during the flahbulb's set i was able to stand around and shoot the shit, get my picture, and kinda sorta get to know one of my favorite musicians a lil bit. i went up to milwaukee the next night with a couple'a watmm dudes from indiana to complete the ACID WEEKENDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and it was an honor and a privilege to make sure ceephax's beer was perpetually refreshed during his hourlong set, i mean, shit.... dude's given me countless hours of entertainment, not to mention all kinds of influence to mould my musical anima (cuz jung's concept of the anima, aka the perfect woman/10/etc is totally apropos when it comes to how one views music) so at the very least when ceephax is in town and i've got the ends he aint paying for a beer in my presence.

if i ever get around to learning how to make/play/recite music/rap/etc, i hope i get a chance to meet aphex twin somehow. that's the holy grail for me.... hopefully i'd be respectable enough to the point where he isn't offput by thanking him for his contributions to the world of music cuz i wouldn't be where/who i am today if his music didn't come along and tantalize my imagination when i was a wee child of 14+ years.

tl;dr = it's daunting, but if you can get past the whole stereotypical fan thing.... odds are if someone's music/lyrics relate to you on a really deep basic level you'll prolly get along with them quite well seeing as people tend to put a varying amount of their soul/essence/etc into their music. so i hope that your eventual dream of jamming with corgan works out for you.... and i'll be sure to let the world, let alone the hip hop song of the day thread, know if i ever do get to kick that freestyle w/acey

Curious Hair wrote:
Les Grobstein's huge hog is proof that God has a sense of humor, isn't it?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 11, 2013 10:46 am 
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oh, and fittingly.... i found out some years later that right after the 06 show acey ran off with some chick from backstage. so if i had gone back with my friend odds are that there was no aceyalone to meet and greet with! life works in mysterious ways sometimes...

Curious Hair wrote:
Les Grobstein's huge hog is proof that God has a sense of humor, isn't it?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 11, 2013 5:29 pm 
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sinicalypse wrote:


Do you still have the handwritten backstage pass?

(the co-prosperity sphere)
I appreciate this phrase greatly.

spaulding wrote:
Also if you fuck someone like they are a millionaire they might go try to be one.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 11, 2013 5:31 pm 
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sinicalypse wrote:
oh, and fittingly.... i found out some years later that right after the 06 show acey ran off with some chick from backstage. so if i had gone back with my friend odds are that there was no aceyalone to meet and greet with! life works in mysterious ways sometimes...

Are you going to his show at Reggie's?

Ecclesiastes 5:8

PostPosted: Fri Oct 11, 2013 5:35 pm 
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spaulding wrote:
Also if you fuck someone like they are a millionaire they might go try to be one.

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