Keeping Score wrote:
SportsCenter @SportsCenter 4h
Bucks reach an agreement w/ Larry Drew to become their new head coach. Drew coached the Hawks from 2010-13 (128-102 record).
Thanks alot Hammond!! Maybe you can pull off a summer deal for Mike Miller. Maybe offer them Larry Sanders or something.
If you're Keeping Score at home, you're an idiot. You know what the trouble with guys like you are? You have all the answers but nobody ever asked you any questions. Why don't you shut your mouth for a minute, and I'll try to address your concerns.
Let's just get this Tobias Harris thing out of the way first. I didn't like his name. Plain and simple. You do realize that Larry Harris, my predecessor, is the same guy that drafted Andrew Bogut, right? The same Andrew Bogut that you're constantly crying about. Well I traded Bogut for Monta, the same guy you just got done saying that you wouldn't mind if he comes back next year.
Can anybody please you? Other than say, maybe a big black stud with a 10" Johnson. See what I did there? Johnson? I've read your racelogs.
Maybe you could just blow yourself for change, rather than trying to do so with every board member here.
So ya, Tobias is gone.
You say you wanted Mike Budenholzer. You know how hard that name is to pronounce? There's serious extra costs involved with that many fucking letters when it comes to things like nameplates and the like. Just because he coached under Pop, DOESN'T MEAN HE'S POP. By you're logic, I should've brought in Tex Winter.
You know who you remind me of? Stephen Jackson. No matter how many times in a row you miss, you just keep jacking up ill advised shots. It's Monday morning point guards like you that give true fans a bad name.
You know who's a good fan? Tad Queasy. He sent me a nice congratulatory email and for a few months out of every year, he brandishes a proud Milwaukee Bucks logo as his avatar.
What avatar are you sporting? Oh yeah, that skinny skank who's had more boyfriends than I've had head coaches the past 6 months. I've had 3.
It's people like you and that pig guy with the stupid party hat that make me want to talk the Senator into moving to Seattle.
Ok, so you also wanted Mike Malone. MIKE MALONE??????
And don't even get me started on Kelvin Sampson.
Which leads me to Larry Drew. This guy could don a uniform tomorrow and he'd already be better than anybody on this team that I assembled. Well you know what I mean. He was a good player, he's a good coach, and I thought with his connections that maybe we could land Devin Harris in free agency this Summer.