Mini Ditka wrote:
rogers park bryan wrote:
That's one thing you rarely hear people complaining about.
You walk 10 feet without running into someone who either lived together before marriage or got divorced. Why does the gay thing get so much attention?
The reality is that divorce is never the first option, but it is not necessarily an immoral option. A marriage is an agreement. If one party breaks the vows it's not necessarily wrong for the other party to divorce them. Especially when someone gets in a situation with an abusive husband who is threatening to harm his wife and kidnap his children. Are you going to tell the battered wife that she's a sinner because she left the abuser? The ideal is that people work through their differences, go to counseling and do their best to be committed to their spouse. But in a lot of cases there is one person in the marriage who is unwilling to do what's right and that's typically when the relationship ends.
Summary: Its a sin, but gays are far worse.
Got it.
Mini Ditka wrote:
[It is a big deal to live together before you get married or to sleep with a woman who is not your wife. Statistically speaking cohabitation before marriage increases the likelihood of divorce and many of those people never even get married.
We live in a society where half of the adult population has STDs, so there are a lot of people who just view sex as a recreational activity that does not require the commitment of marriage. Another consequence is that promiscuous people before marriage are going to have a much harder time keeping their vows than people who abstain.
You have any links to support that?
Mini Ditka wrote:
The reason why "the gay thing" gets attention is because you have a small percentage (was it 5 percent?) of the population who is trying to gain acceptance of its lifestyle by portraying itself as a civil rights group. Almost all of the religions of the world and societies have traditionally been against homosexuality. "The gay thing" is a big deal because the gay rights movement wants to change all the religions of the world and the tradition of marriage to gain acceptance of its position.
The bolded part is not even close to true.
And divorce has already beaten the tradition of marriage to a bloody pulp
Mini Ditka wrote:
If they think Chick-Fil-A and Catholic people hate them then maybe they should do a little research about Islam. You will find that in some countries they seek out homosexuals and execute them.
What would a radical violent Muslim do?
Is that a good way to go about things?