billypootons wrote:
i kind of feel bad for his daughter... bernstein never mentions his daughter... its 20 jason stories and then he'll mention his daughter is doing something with his wife... and thats about it.... i dont think dan has ever told a story about him and his daughter
isn't that a blessing in disguise tho? i mean no offense to the ppl out there who do it, but i see ppl nowadays plastering 68 pictures of their kid/s on their facebook and it's like "....give 'em a chance dude!" i mean i reckon it'd be a lil different in terms of perspective if i was a proper millennial, but i'd be off-put if i knew that my parents had their personal photo albums digitized in a fit of exhibitionism before i could figure out that not shitting in my pants was a good idea.
....and that's not even considering the oh-so-fun leaps and bounds that facial recognition technology is taking, i mean, it's completely feasible to think that right now there's some paid government/TPTB lackeys out there whose job is nothing but going through people's facebooks (cuz i'm sure admin logins on facebook need super high governmental clearance) and figuring out who's who in the pictures and then data-entering their names/info into a form and they digitize the picture/s and have facial recognition software input all of the data so one way or another they have you in a database whether you wanted to be in it or not. and before you say "oh comeon sini nobody has the time/data-storage-requirements to do all of that, welp, i implore you to look up that spiffy new data center in utah that's existing JUST to store whatever's-3-terms-beyond-terabytes of data while the software is optimized for the hard part: analyzing all of the data.... cuz you know, even storing all of the securicam footage is one thing, but parsing through all of this data and making sense of it? well rest assured that REALLY. SMART. PEOPLE. are coding every day to make comptuer analysis better and better..... and if we know about the place in utah, just imagine the places we DON'T know about in the name of state secrets and such.
i mean, it's like some stuff i've read on the fringey side of "alternative" or "underground" news sites where they postulate that snowden himself was a psyop to get people afraid cuz like, shit, again even if they have a massive hiring binge it's impossible to have someone monitoring every security camera in the de-facto USA CCTV nwetwork and all of that.... so you put this boogeyman story out there about surveilence, cop to stuff that's 3 levels below your actual capacity, and plant taht seed in people's heads that the government is everywhee watching you cuz the only thing more effective than approaching-total-surveilence is convincing people that you have achieved near-total-surveilence and then allowing that thought in people's heads to blossom into a false realization that shakespeare was truly ahead of his time in saying "all the world's a stage"
so yeah, TL;DR = maybe bernstein's wife has a bit of a soul about her sand said "leave zoe out of this, dan" cuz it's one of those situations where the daughter is mommy's girl and the son is daddy's boy..... or maybe zoe just got lucky in that the analysis of the b&b key demos says that tehre's a lot of men with sons listening and thus they're more likely to want to hear about it. i mean hell when i used to talk to grobber at my old library gig (which i left in jan 05) even back then i was like "man, while i love b&b i wish dan didn't prattle on about his wacky and wild adventures in fatherhood" and les was like "hey i really like that part of the show and so do a lot of people" --- so maybe he knows something we dont? maybe this stuff has been ran by the powers that be and they see dan's tales of fatherhood as something endearing to the target demos and this is part of the great humanizing of dan bernstein.... cuz without it you might think he's merely a sports ideologue/demagogue crusader out to gentrify our sports minds (into being concurrent with his pholosophies, of course =) and when he's screaming at callers for being an idiot (read: not being in 100% total lockstep with him. cuz you know NOT. GETTING. VACCINATED. CAUSES. DISEASES. TO. MUTATE. THE SCIENCE IS IN. DISEASES DON'T MUTATE TO SURVIVE IN A WORLD WHERE EVERYONE IS VACCINATED BECAUSE THEY HAVE LESS HOSTS TO INFECT AND THEREFORE THEY NEED TO HUSTLE IN ORDER TO SURVIVE, NO, THEY MUTATE IN A WORLD WHERE PEOPLE AREN'T VACCINATED BECAUSE AS THEY'RE BUSY INFECTING A BUNCH OF HOSTS THEY'RE LIKE "HEY THIS IS TOO EASY SO YOU KNOW WHAT? I'M GOING TO BE PROACTIVE AND MUTATE INTO A KILLER STRAIN BECAUSE THIS WHOLE EASY INFECTION LIFESTYLE HAS GIVEN ME TIME TO STOP AND PLAN AHEAD FOR THE FUTURE. WE ONLY MUTATE BECAUSE IT'S THE EQUIVALENT OF PUTTING RIMS ON THE RIDE, NOT BECAUSE WE NEED TO GET A CAR. DUH. THE SCIENCE IS IN"
sorry about that ALL CAPS tangent at the end.... but evidently i'm one of the few who remember the fringey news stories from the 90s/early-00s where you read that all these diseases/infections were mutating because everyone is vaccinated and they had to adapt in order to survive..... but then the story cycled out of the news and ~10-15yrs later when you have some sort of an anti-vaccine movement afoot well LOW AND BEHOLD all those stories i read about diseases mutating in order to survive in a 90%+ vaccinated world are patently false and now the diseases are mutating because people DIDN'T get vaccinated and etc etc..... i know that society/media as a whole expects us to be increasingly stupid people with the attention span of a gnat who need more and more help from the nanny state to survive our day to day lives (example: look at how !!!!!!!!! severe weather news coverage is nowadays. even tho we live in chicago it's like if we get more than 3" of snow in one falling in chicago it's like BREAKING NEWS!!!! IT'S SNOWING OUT THERE!!!! IT'S COLD!!! IT'S SLIPPERY!!! IF YOU'RE NOT CAREFUL YOU'LL DIE!!!!! --- i mean holy shit i bet you i can find a tv channel with a tv program that gives me some much needed techniques how to wipe my ass because without their benevolent guidance and assistance i might be left cold and alone in a cruel world that passed me by years ago)
AHEM. yeah that vaccine shit sticks in my craw because i get it..... the societal mandate is that we're all good little muppets who do what we're told, and in the end i truly am grateful that that TPTB allow us to live a pretty solid life in their world (life only sucks if you're miserable, no matter how much those with power/$$$ wanna take from you because they can) but like..... comeon man. i'm a fucking burnout of a person and even i remember those news stories about how diseases were mutating because everyone was vaccinated and they needed to survive.... and now 10-15yrs later you literally flip the script like "oh yeah now they're mutating because you shitheads aren't getting vaccinated" because it's in big-pharmie's $$$interest$$$ to keep you all vaccinated and shit, and like, we're supposed to swallow it hook line and sinker because REALLY. SMART. PEOPLE. published an article somewhere and establishment-approved people on tv/radio yell at us if we disagree (THE. SCIENCE. IS. IN.) and it's just like "oh comeon you motherfuckers i was paying attention 15yrs ago when you had a different narrative... or maybe it was that back then TOTAL. INFORMATION. AWARENESS. hadn't reached a point where the news was entirely scripted/motivated-by-profit/scheme and they let slip a story about a common sense factual thing (diseases adapt to vaccination sto survive) that now is presumed to be lost simply because 7800000 different media outlets (ultimately owned by 6 corporations, if even that) have decided that you need to beLIEve something else because it's cromulent given their objective, which ranges from either behavior-modification-conspiracies to the one people don't say so it has to be true: profits. and hey if there's a movement afoot that might get millions of people to stop taking $30-300 shots, well, you do the math..... go figure mister MONETIZE. EVERYTHING. happens to have a viewpoint that's in lockstep with the big pharmies.
and hey i dont begrudge dan for that.... he's got a job to do and he's quite good at doing it, and hey, in the year of our lord 2014 i don't wanna be the one guy standing up against the system because it'll squash you like a bug and replace you in a heartbeat..... i mean dan knows better than most that taking a goofy anti-establishment stand isn't gonna do you any favors in a career that you need to continue to put your kids in good colleges... and i don't expect him to crusade about anti-establishment stuff even if he actually believes any of it.... but maybe, just maybe, when i tune in to listen to a sports show he can like, you know, not mention it over and over and over and over again for hours on end til it's drilled in our heads that dan is just another extension of the machine. dude, it's sports.... we're into them to escape our day to day lives.... so stop dragging our day to day lives into your show plz!
Curious Hair wrote:
Les Grobstein's huge hog is proof that God has a sense of humor, isn't it?