bigfan wrote:
We all know you have never been in the wrong,
I just admitted this morning that I was wrong about Jeb Bush. I have no problem admitting that I am wrong when I am. You're thinking of Boilermaker Rick.
bigfan wrote:
so I would suggest you just drop it
I should drop it? You are the one making an issue where there was none.
bigfan wrote:
and next time you feel like slamming someone just own up to it
Slamming someone? Oh brother. I laughed because a guy on TV said that painting didn't require much skill.
I can tape off a room, and paint the walls and ceiling. I doubt Steve could take my sheet metal tools to hang duct and install a furnace.
Painting doesn't require a ton of skill. I know that you know that.
bigfan wrote:
and no need to disclaim the fact because it matters to you
That was in response to you saying that you don't care, when you clearly do.
It's not a bad thing. You are no different than me, or anybody else. When you care about a topic you post, when you don't care, you don't.
bigfan wrote:
that should be some sort of exception to you starting issues with people.
I don't know what that is supposed to mean.
bigfan wrote:
Fact is I dont see Steve starting issues with you.
Wow, Steve is a victim. I never thought I would read that here. Steve is the biggest knob on this site, hands down. The guy has taken personal, and uncalled for shots, at many people. Remember when he made some disgusting comments about Frank's wife? Most of the board took offense, and you said, and I'm paraphrasing, "well, Frank is an asshole. He should expect that people will be assholes to him".
But, when I laugh because a guy on TV said that painting doesn't require that much skill, you swoop in to protect Steve, a pillar of the community, from my vicious attack?
bigfan wrote:
Not saying he hasnt, but you sure seem to spend much more time here attacking certain people, then they do commenting on you.
Who have been my targets?
Chas? Guilty as charged. I hammered the guy for a long time, and I went too far. I never denied it. He and I smokum peace pipe, and we get along in a civil manner these days.
Steve? Guilty as charged. I am certainly not the only one to pound away at this waste of space, but I have never denied it. Like I said, I was leading the charge in the bowling threads. It would be really foolish of me to pretend it didn't happen, so I won't.
Scorehead? Guilty as charged, but again, I never denied it. I have hit him for his dumb thoughts for a long time, but I have eased up on him as well. He does a pretty good job rolling with the punches. I'm sure he and I would get along just fine, over a beverage.
PittMike? This is where you are wrong. This is the most recent, so it is fresh in your mind. This guy gets hit all over the board for his affair and infidelity, but not by me. I was in on it early, but I backed away from it. I hit him for posting goofy websites, and falling for the Benghazi stuff. You know, responding to the post, not the poster. He announced to board at least two dozen times that he was done with me, and putting me on the ignore list. Then he proceeded to take passive aggressive shots at me all over the board, and even threatened me, and sought out my personal information. You best believe that I am going to have somebody like that squarely in the crosshairs.
Maybe there are more, but that's all I can come up with.
bigfan wrote:
I dont go looking for either and I am not going to go search for them like you do
Yeah, why provide evidence to support your position? Just declare something to be true, and it's true.
bigfan wrote:
I just see them ....just like everyone else does.