Nas wrote:
It isn't bullshit. I read your posts and even though you act like you are on the fence on just about everything you occasionally share how you feel before retreating by claiming you "don't know how you feel".
Your views align with the Republican party on economic issues. You think you're taxed too much. You believe everyone should pay taxes. You don't trust the government and believe that they should be involved in very little. You are against a minimum wage increase. You believe the private market should decide everything.
You're probably a southern republican on some social issues. I recall you basically coming out in support of segregation a few years ago. Your belief was whites shouldn't have to live next to blacks because they were culturally different and everyone should be comfortable where they live.
Most members of this board are fairly conservative. That's not a terrible thing. Some of the republican rhetoric may be over the top now but the policy ideas are in line with things you've posted.
Your statement about voting is just ridiculous. You aren't an active member of the process if you are always sitting on your ass. No one ever agrees 100% with any politician but they agree enough to cast a vote. Especially on the local level.
I am on the fence about almost everything as I don't believe either party offers good or fair solutions to most problems.
I am taxed too much and yes everybody should pay taxes even if they get it all back plus some. That isn't because I think hey it's my money nobody else should have it. It's because I think the gov is wasteful and should figure out better ways to use what they have before they ask for more.
I'm against min wage increase because I don't believe that is a logical solution. I doesn't seem like in the long run it would make a difference but I don't know much a about it. And no I don't believe the private mkt should decide everything but I really don't know much about economics.
If you believe I basically support segregation you either completely missed my point or are being purposefully obtuse and quite frankly shitty. If you truly believe I think whites shouldn't live next to blacks then I don't think you know me at all and I really don't know what to say.
I would hardly call this board conservative.
I have no power and no voice in the system because of the 2 party system we have. The is no candidate I would vote for and hasn't been for sometime.